WPP campuses | WPP
Find out more about WPP's state-of-the-art campus spaces, bringing together teams from around the world to deliver impactful ideas and leading capabilities for clients.
WPP opens Shanghai Campus
The Shanghai campus, one of the most ambitious co-location efforts ever undertaken by WPP globally, highlights the group’s commitment to China, which is WPP’s third largest market. In …
WPP otevírá svůj nový pražský Campus
WPP dnes otevírá svůj nový Campus v Praze a navrací ikonickému prvorepublikovému paláci jeho slávu jako jednomu z nejmodernějších pracovních prostorů ve střední Evropě.
Campus | WPP group
Kompletně zrekonstruovaný funkcionalistický palác s jedinečným geniem loci plný odborníků na reklamu všech možných disciplín – to je naše sídlo WPP Campus v pražských Holešovicích. …
A Vertical Campus in Lower Manhattan - HOK
The solution can be found in the new HOK-designed workplace in Lower Manhattan’s 3 World Trade Center. The space includes branded offices for GroupM’s leaders and seven of its …
WPP Office - HOK
A model for the office of the future, WPP’s new vertical campus in Chicago brings together employees from 31 marketing, advertising and creative solutions agencies into one location …
WPP Campus Milano / 967arch + BDG - ArchDaily
Jul 9, 2022 · Located within the historic district of San Cristoforo, the WPP Milan Campus is an important part of an urban redevelopment project in an abandoned industrial area where one …
WPP Campus | Projects | Gensler
Comprising a 150-meter highrise tower incorporating office, retail and amenity space, along with five podium floors housing retail and parking, this building sets a new standard of design …
WPP Campus - Apps on Google Play
6 days ago · The app offers more functionality including forums, ability to request maintenance, events, information about companies in the building and about the building itself where you …
The WPP Brussels Campus is on Victoria Reginaplantsoen, located in the North Quarter of Brussels. Construction work is progressing well with the first set of companies expected to …