M12 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Apr 23, 2018 · The M12 is harder to use. It's main benefit is a much longer stun duration than M44. It's been a while since I played the M12, I have the M40/43 now and don't plan to buy the …
How do I M44 and M12? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Apr 14, 2016 · M12 is pretty mediocre compared to the M44 despite it's higher alpha. Worse aim time for one, and gun arc isn't as good...but it's still pretty decent for an SPG. The premium …
How is the m40/m43 compared to the m12? : r/WorldofTanks
Nov 30, 2020 · The M12 is indeed a generally bad vehicle. M40/M43 is noticeably better, but it’s got a very long reload timer, so it requires a lot of patience to play well. Reply reply
Is the M12 a downgrade from the M44? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Feb 16, 2016 · The M12 is a bit of a downgrade. First off, you lose the massively OP heat round. The premium HE round that the M12 carries just has a bigger splash radius so don't even …
Is this doable with the M12 or should i go for the tier 8?
Apr 15, 2023 · Haha, fair enough. If you really hate arty I'd try for a while with the m12, definitely doable, but for the layer missions you'll want M53/55 anyway, so if it's frustrating just get the …
Is it just me or M12 is actually worse than M44? : r/WorldofTanks
The M12 is actually balanced, while the M44 is overtuned. The M44 and M53/55 are the only SPGs in the line that combine excellent mobility with wide gun arcs; the tier 7, 8, and 10 have …
M12 stuff : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Feb 3, 2019 · The M12 is the dog of the US arti line, all the others are mostly golden, get past it as soon as you can. The keepers are tier 6, 9 and 10., with the tier 8 M40 being an improvement …
arty noob here - what ammunition to use? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Jan 2, 2023 · having full intuition on your loader(s) is extremely useful for arty as well. you don't want to drop stunning shells in when your teammates are in close engagement because you …
The New Player's Guide to Tier 7 Vehicles : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
M12 5 A decent upgrade over the M44. Shares engines and radios with several tanks in the tree. T71 CMCD 5.5 After the split of the T71 into 2 different vehicles, this is often seen as the …
why are arty missions so hard? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Sep 12, 2022 · I have the M53/m55 finally and it's fully stock still with a 1.5 crew that has BIA as base skill. Almost all my T55 missions were completed in the M12 or the M40/M43 and the …