Civil Support Team - Wikipedia
A weapon of mass destruction Civil Support Team (WMD-CST or CST) supports civil authorities in the event of the use, or threatened use, of a weapon of mass destruction. CSTs are federally funded units established under Presidential Decision Directive 39 .
Overview: The Adjutant General may employ the Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team (WMD-CST) to support the state response under the direction of the governor or to support another state’s response under a supported governor.
10th Civil Support Team - Washington Military Department
The Washington National Guard’s 10th Civil Support Team (WMD CST) identifies and assesses suspected Weapons of Mass Destruction hazards, advises civilian responders on appropriate actions through on-site testing and expert consultation, and facilitates the arrival of additional state and federal military forces.
6th CST - Texas Military Department
Follow the 6th WMD-CST on X for real-time updates, valuable insights, and expert guidance on CBRN incident response. Connect with a dedicated team working to protect our communities against high-consequence events.
Mission: Establish reach-back capabilities and provide incident-area interoperable communications during operations and provide a critical link to follow-on forces, supplies, and expertise for CBRN...
Mar 4, 2020 · WMD-CSTs support civil authorities by providing a disciplined, well-trained, and well-equipped organization to supplement local, State, and Federal efforts to manage potential catastrophic events, and provide special technical support to augment specific needs of an Incident Commander (IC).
Apr 29, 2022 · modernize and sustain the WMD-CST capabilities to meet mission requirements, address emerging threats, integrate new technologies, and oversee logistical and maintenance services.
14th Civil Support Team - National Guard
Each WMD-CST is comprised of 22 full-time, Title 32 Active/Guard/ Reserve (AGR), Army (ARNG) and Air National Guard (ANG) personnel. The distribution of personnel on average is 18 ARNG and 4 ANG personnel, employed in 14 Army Military Occupational Skills or comparable Air Force Specialty Codes.
23rd WMD-CST - National Guard
The Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team (WMD-CST) Program is a homeland defense measure, intended to help prepare the United States against terrorist use of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High Yield Explosive (CBRNE) weapon of mass destruction on domestic soil.
Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams - GlobalSecurity.org
Aug 15, 2001 · The mission of Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST) is to support local and state authorities at domestic WMD/NBC incident sites by identifying agents and...
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