DC Comics | Logopedia | Fandom
DC's first logo appeared on the April 1940 issues of its titles. The letters "DC" stood for Detective Comics, the name of Batman's flagship title. The small logo, with no background, read simply...
Warner Bros. Pictures | Logopedia | Fandom
The first logo of Warner Bros. Pictures was introduced on April 4, 1923. Before the 1925 update, this logo was used as a primary logo until the same year. This is the very first Warner Bros. shield logo, nicknamed the "Brain Shield". The title card with this version of the logo originally...
DC Studios | Logopedia | Fandom
The "DC Films" production division was announced by Warner Bros. Pictures during a TV special hosted by Kevin Smith to promote the then-upcoming rise of the DC Extended Universe movie franchise, called Dawn of the Justice League, broadcasted by The CW in January 19, 2016. Meanwhile, the studio...
Warner Bros. Pictures/Other | Logopedia | Fandom
The variant was dropped and replaced by the standard Warner Bros. logo (although animated films still used the WAG version) since DC League of Super-Pets in 2022 with the byline being changed (see the 2021-2023 section for more detail).
DC Comics/Logo Variations | Logopedia | Fandom
In July 1987, DC released variant editions of Justice League #3 and The Fury of Firestorm #61 with a new DC logo. It featured a picture of Superman in a circle surrounded by the words "SUPERMAN COMICS". The company released these variants to newsstands in certain markets as a marketing test.
Warner Bros. Pictures/On-Screen Logos | Logopedia | Fandom
Between 1970 and 1972, Warner Bros. used its corporate logo on-screen. However, the "Warner Bros." name in the banner is replaced by the byline "A Kinney National Company".
The WB | Logopedia | Fandom
"The WB Television Network" redirects here. The WB television network launched on January 11, 1995. Originally the logo stands straight. In 1999, the logo was tilted at an angle; official depictions of it would render it this way for the remainder of the network's run. This logo was first seen in a 1995 print advertisement for The WB and was used as a …
Category:DC Comics | Logopedia | Fandom
Category:DC Comics and Warner Bros. DC Comics Originals; DC Comics Super Heroes: Batman: Be-Leaguered; DC Comics/Anniversary; DC Comics/Logo Variations; DC Comics/Other; DC Entertainment; Category:DC Extended Universe; DC Fandome; DC Ink; DC Kids; DC League of Super-Pets; DC Legends; DC Multiverse;
Kids' WB!/Logo Variations | Logopedia | Fandom
Kids' WB!/Logo Variations < Kids' WB! Sign in to edit History Purge Talk (0) 1995–1997 [] ... Alternate variant, primarily used on covers for DC Comics' Superman Adventures series from 1996-97. Print logo . Alternate 3D version used in print ads from early 1997. ... Warner Bros. Discovery Global Streaming & Interactive Entertainment General ...
DC Comics | Logopedia | Fandom
El primer logo de DC apareció en las ediciones de abril de 1940 de sus títulos. Las letras "DC" significan "Detective Comics", el nombre del título emblemático de Batman. El pequeño logo, sin fondo, decía simplemente "A DC Publication". Los títulos de DC de noviembre de 1941 introdujeron un logo…