Dominant White Mutations – W5, W10, W13, W20, and W22
The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory offers tests for W5, W10, W13, W20, and W22 mutations to owners who want to breed horses for dominant white or to determine the genetic status of horses with white patterning.
W20 | Horse Reality Wiki
The W20 allele is an old mutation found in many different horse breeds in real life. On Horse Reality, W20 has currently only been added to the Lipizzaner Horse. The following table lists all breeds that can currently have the W20 allele in-game.
Dominant White – W20 - Animal Genetics
Testing can determine if the coat pattern of a horse is actually dominant white (W3, W5, W10, W13, W15, and W20) or if a different modifier is present. This can be particularly useful in horses that have additional patterns, such as frame overo and tobiano.
Dominant white - Wikipedia
W20 is associated with bold face and leg markings, and can greatly increase the amount of white when combined with certain other white patterns. The W20 sequence was first discovered in 2007, but was not recognized for its effect on coat color until 2013. Horses with one copy of W5 or W22 combined with one copy of W20 tend to be white or nearly ...
Dominant White W20 - Equine Genetics Research Centre
W20 is a white booster. It will increase the amount of white on a horse that carries another white spotting pattern. Alternate names. Dominant White 20. Symbol. W20. Breeds known to carry this mutation. Most. Inheritance pattern. Autosomal dominant. Description. W20 by itself only causes small white markings such as socks and a blaze.
Dominant White 20 (W20) in Horses: Genetics and Coat Color …
Discover Dominant White 20 (W20) in horses, including its genetic origins and the resulting coat color characteristics. Learn how this variant impacts various breeds and its significance for horse breeders and enthusiasts.
What Does W20 Mean In Horses? - Great American Adventures
Nov 29, 2022 · W20 is a mutation on the KIT gene; it’s part of the “Dominant White” family of mutations—more than 20 exist—that can create or modify white spotting patterns in horses. An ancient mutation, W20 is wide-spread.
What is a Dominant White Horse? Traits, Genes, and More - Horses …
Feb 15, 2021 · W20 appears to produce a completely white horse when combined with other dominant white alleles and also with other white pattern genes. The Dominant White pattern can occur with any base coat color (black, chestnut, bay) …
What Is Horse W20? - Great American Adventures
Nov 28, 2022 · W20 is a mutation on the KIT gene; it’s part of the “Dominant White” family of mutations—more than 20 exist—that can create or modify white spotting patterns in horses. An ancient mutation, W20 is wide-spread.
W22 Discovery Solves Long-Standing Mystery | Etalon Equine …
Aug 4, 2020 · We determined the W20 genotypes in all 21 horses carrying the W22 variant (Table S2). Four of them were homozygous for W20, and all four horses with the W20/W22 genotype were completely white. Not only are these four horses with W20/W20 AND W22 proof of incredible genetic discovery, they are also stunning horses to experience firsthand. References.