Hans Hermann von Katte - Wikipedia
Hans Hermann von Katte (28 February 1704 – 6 November 1730) was a Lieutenant of the Prussian Army, and a friend, tutor and possible lover of the future King Frederick II of Prussia, who was at the time the Crown Prince.
Katte (Adelsgeschlecht) – Wikipedia
Katte, auch Katt, ist der Name eines alten brandenburgischen Adelsgeschlechts. Die Herren von Katte gehören zum altmärkischen Uradel. Zweige der Familie bestehen bis heute.
Hans Hermann von Katte | German military officer | Britannica
Lieutenant Hans Hermann von Katte, the young officer who had been his accomplice in the plan, was executed in Frederick’s presence, and there was for a short time a real possibility that the prince might share his fate.
1730: Hans Hermann von Katte, Frederick the Great’s lover
Nov 6, 2008 · But Frederick contrived to hit the bricks, and 26-year-old officer Hans Hermann von Katte had the bad luck to be his best friend (and presumed homosexual lover). When Frederick turned to him for help, they started plotting flight.
Hans Hermann Katte biography. Lieutenant of the Prussian army
Confidant to the Crown Prince Despite King Frederick William I&039;s disapproval, Von Katte emerged as a trusted confidant to the Crown Prince. He became deeply involved in Frederick&039;s plans to flee Prussia after enduring his father&039;s oppressive reign.
Hans Hermann von Katte (1704-1730) - Find a Grave Memorial
Hans H. von Katte was a Lieutenant of the Prussian Army and close friend of the future Frederick II of Prussia (The Great), then the Crown Prince. A nobleman by birth, coming from a long line of aristocratic military men.
Hans Hermann von Katte (before 1704–1730) • FamilySearch
When Hans Hermann von Katte was born on 8 February 1704, in Berlin, Germany, his father, Hans Heinrich von Katte, was 22 and his mother, Gräfin Dorothea Sophie von Wartensleben, was 19. He died on 6 November 1730, in Küstrin, Königsberg in der Neumark, Brandenburg, Prussia, Germany, at the age of 26, and was buried in Wust, Stendal, Saxony ...
Deutsche Biographie - Katte, Hans Hermann von
Katte, Hans Hermann von; Biographie Katte: Hans Hermann v. K., geb. am 28. Februar 1704, † am 6. November 1730, Sohn des 1741 als preußischer Feldmarschall verstorbenen Hans Heinrich v. K.
Hans Hermann von Katte – Wikipedia
Hans Hermann von Katte war ein Leutnant der preußischen Armee und Jugendfreund Friedrichs II. Katte wurde auf Anordnung von Friedrich Wilhelm I., König in Preußen hingerichtet.
Hans Hermann von Katte (1704-1730) - Friedrich-II-der-Grosse.de
Der preußische Leutnant Hans Hermann von Katte gehörte zu den engsten Vertrauten von Kronprinz Friedrich II. Auf Befehl von König Friedrich Wilhelm I. wurde er 1730 vor den Augen Friedrichs hingerichtet.