So, why no hq Vitriol? - forum.square-enix.com
Oct 9, 2014 · Is this something that SE forgot or am I missing where its farmed at. Was starting to make the 50 hq spirit of salts for the artisans's tool... Its the only recipe that has a nq only item …
Can we dial back the forum vitriol...?
Jul 15, 2017 · Can we dial back the forum vitriol...? FFXIV's community is on the whole pretty amazing, especially when we're talking about in-game. It's miles ahead of WoW's and we …
vitriol- whats the point of it?
Aug 28, 2011 · Forum Top Version 1.0 Forum Archive English Forums Classes & Jobs Alchemist vitriol- whats the point of it?
Some weird vitriol in my Turn-1 runs. - forum.square-enix.com
May 15, 2014 · It seems exists a country in which almost every player thinks that the difference between a 1337 and a l0ser is given on how many milliseconds less you do a thing. Any thing. …
Can we dial back the forum vitriol...?
07-15-2017, 06:28 AM RichardButte Can we dial back the forum vitriol...? FFXIV's community is on the whole pretty amazing, especially when we're talking about in-game. It's miles ahead of …
Can we dial back the forum vitriol...?
Jul 18, 2017 · Can we dial back the forum vitriol...? FFXIV's community is on the whole pretty amazing, especially when we're talking about in-game. It's miles ahead of WoW's and we …
Yuweyawata Field Station is so wrong - Page 15
Mar 17, 2025 · And it occurred to me that, somewhere buried in their highly-skilled, yet insecure gaming minds, they are aware that spending 20 hours/week in FFXIV PvE is a colossal waste …
Can we dial back the forum vitriol...? - Page 2
Jul 15, 2017 · FFXIV's community is on the whole pretty amazing, especially when we're talking about in-game. It's miles ahead of WoW's and we probably have a lot of the wonderful in …
Can we dial back the forum vitriol...? - Page 3
Jul 15, 2017 · Now, none of this is intended to justify the vitriol that often appears on the forums. Nobody needs to be rude. But I can empathize with people who, at this point in FFXIV's …
Some weird vitriol in my Turn-1 runs. - Page 2
May 15, 2014 · The Sac pulls would be so much easier if pet aggro wasn't FUBAR. It's really annoying having to dismiss my fairy/egi but even if they're on Steady and not doing a blessed …