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Jul 14, 2022 · Recycling and regeneration have become integral components of waste reduction for environmental protection. Since 2019, Vitasoy has launched the first Carton Clean …
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Nutrition - Vitasoy
Vitasoy is committed to offering exceptionally nutritious, tasty plant-based nutrition led products. We believe good health leads to a good life
About us - Vitasoy
Over 80 years ago Vitasoy pioneered plant-based milk. We believed in the amazing power of plants then – and even more so now. We imagined a world where growing produce from the whole bean, nut, seed, leaf or fruit, would give people the goodness and nutrition of nature.
主頁 - Vitasoy
維他奶一直致力支持兒童和社區發展,深信從小培養健康習慣對兒童成長的重要性。自2021 年 12 月以來,在中國疾病預防控制中心的指導下,維他奶與人民網·人民健康及北京康盟慈善基金在中國内地攜手展開爲期數年的「促進合理膳食,助力鄉村振興」維愛公益行動。
关于我们 - Vitasoy
Our roots - Vitasoy
Making nutritious and tasty plant-based food and beverages has been Vitasoy’s heritage since its establishment in 1940. In a time of food shortages, malnutrition and soaring commodity prices, Dr. K. S. Lo created the first ready-to-drink soy milk to offer the people of Hong Kong an affordable and healthy alternative to dairy milk.
關於我們 - Vitasoy
「豐饒之樹」代表著我們多種植物為本的原料,亦可以看作我們產品系列中飛濺的奶滴。圓圈代表著我們與地球的聯繫,以及我們與地球和諧共處的信念;先播種 後 豐收,有如循環不息的生命週期。. 這是我們標誌性的圖標,代表著我們對植物性飲食生活方式的承諾和信念。
全球業務 - Vitasoy
So Thick and Creamy Soy Yogurt – It’s Dreamy - Vitasoy
Apr 1, 2021 · Introducing Vitasoy’s Greek Style Soy Yogurt range: this huge breakthrough in taste and texture has been years in development because we believe you shouldn’t have to sacrifice nutrition, flavour, or texture to make the healthy alternative from dairy based products.