Visage - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Visages were undead shapeless tanar'ri [2] native to the Abyss and created by Orcus that could take on a form of a creature they killed. [1] Visages appeared as a shapeless body with a grinning mask-like face and long deadly claws. In their normal form they only appeared incorporeal, in reality, they were not dense but still weighed 75 pounds.
Visage - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Visages are undead tanar'ri, former servants of Tenebrous brought back by the evil god's influence over all things undead. Visages can assume other shapes (as explained below), but in their natural form, they appear as wispy, translucent spirits with frightening white masks where their heads should be.
Ghostly Visage (CR 2 o) - Realms Helps
Visage (Ex): At will, a ghostly visage can manifest a face anywhere on its host's body, including over the host's own face (the host's vision is unaffected). This face looks corporeal and fleshy, but it is actually the visage's incorporeal form.
Changeling - DND 5th Edition
With ever-changing appearances, changelings reside in many societies undetected. Each changeling can supernaturally adopt any face they like. For some changelings, a new face is only a disguise. For other changelings, a new face may reveal an aspect of their soul.
visage - Search - D&D Beyond
visage becomes bone white, and its challenge rating increases by 1. It can cast animate dead and create undead once per day each, using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability, and it gains the
Monk: Way of the Astral Self - DND 5th Edition
Visage of the Astral Self. When you reach 6th level, you can summon the visage of your astral self. As a bonus action, or as part of the bonus action you take to activate Arms of the Astral Self, you can spend 1 ki point to summon this visage for 10 minutes. It vanishes early if you are incapacitated or die.
Visage of the Deity, Greater – Spell - D&D Tools
This spell functions like lesser visage of the deity, except that you take on many qualities of a half-celestial or half-fiendish creature. Your creature type changes to outsider for the duration of the spell.
Horrific Visage (5e Spell) - D&D Wiki
Apr 21, 2023 · You choose a creature within range and reveal the horrors of the void to them. When you cast this spell, choose one point within 30ft of the creature, where an illusory Eldritch Horror appears. It is insubstantial, does not move and does not create any noise. The target must make an Intelligence Saving Throw against your spell save DC.
Visage of the Deity – Spell - D&D Tools
This spell functions like lesser visage of the deity, except that you take on many qualities of a celestial or fiendish creature, as follows. You take on a shining, metallic appearance (for good clerics) or a more fearsome appearance (for evil clerics).
D&D 3E/3.5 Visage 3.5 - EN World
Nov 16, 2003 · Here's a 3.5 update of my conversion of the visage monster from Dead Gods. Visages are undead tanar’ri, fiendish demons brought back to life by their horrible lord now known as Tenebrous. The former demon lord created them to be his eyes and ears, to infiltrate society and do his dirty will.