Vextra - Wikipedia
The Vextra is also a wheeled vehicle, with an 8×8 chassis based on the Vextra IFV, a very similar prototype vehicle with the Dragar one-man turret and a 25mm gun.
French VEXTRA 8x8 Reconnaissance Vehicle - TankNutDave.com
French VEXTRA 8×8 Reconnaissance Vehicle. The VEXTRA fitted with the TML 105 turret mounting a G2 105mm rifled main gun. The VEXTRA is a former 8×8 wheeled Armoured Fighting Vehicle developed by the former French Defence manufacturer Giat Industries (now NEXTER).
VEXTRA - Army Guide
The Vextra 105 wheeled armored reconnaissance vehicle is being developed by Giat Industries in Versailles, France. The new generation 8 x 8 vehicle is capable of anti-tank combat and has fire-on-the-move capability against stationary or moving targets.
Vextra — Wikipédia
Le Vextra ou VEXTRA était un démonstrateur technologique de haute mobilité et de fort tonnage conçu par Giat Industries. Le terme est dérivé des mots Véhicule d' EXperimentation de TRAnsmission.
Vextra 105 Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle - Army Technology
Apr 26, 2000 · The Vextra 105 wheeled armoured reconnaissance vehicle is developed by Nexter Industries (formerly Giat Industries) in Versailles, France. The 8×8 vehicle is capable of anti-tank combat and has fire-on-the-move capability against stationary or moving targets.
Vextra - GlobalSecurity.org
Nov 7, 2011 · The new generation Vextra 8x8 wheeled armoured vehicle has a high level of ballistic protection and strong growth potential. Its mobility over difficult terrains has been demonstrated in...
MOC - Vextra 105 Light Tank (Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle)
Aug 18, 2024 · The Véhicule d'EXperimentation de TRAnsmission (VEXTRA) is a French prototype 8x8 wheeled reconnaissance light tank. Developed in the 1990s by GIAT and revealed in 1997, it was a four-person crewed vechicle developed …
Overview — Vextra 105 (8 x 8) armored reconnaissance — …
The Vextra was a wheeled, armored reconnaissance vehicle developed by Giat Industries. It was based on the same wheeled chassis as the Vextra 25. The Vextra's hull was made of all-welded aluminum armor coupled with an additional layer of passive armor for added protection.
Vextra - globalmilitary.net
The Vextra is a French 8x8 Light Support Tank. 🌐 GlobalMilitary.net Inventory of world military forces through Open Source Intelligence ... Ranks; Ukraine; Vextra. Back to vehicles list. Summary. Origin country: 🇫🇷 France: Category: Light armoured: Sub-type: 8x8 Light Support Tank: Manufacturer: GIAT Industries: Number built: units ...
Vextra 105mm | Military Wiki - Fandom
The Vextra 105mm was a French armored vehicle classified as an armored reconnaissance vehicle, fire support vehicle, and/or anti-tank vehicle. It is manned by a four person crew consisting of a commander, a driver, a gunner, and a loader.