Vellamo - The Best Water from The Country with the Best Water
Water nurtured by Nordic nature for 10,000 years. Probably the purest natural mineral water in the world. From Finland. Obviously.
Mineral Water - Vellamo
Vellamo Natural Mineral Water is a true gem and a real rarity. It comes from the only natural mineral water source of Finland, the country that, according to UNESCO study, has the finest groundwater in the world.
EN - Vellamo
Vellamo Natural Mineral Water is a true gem and a real rarity. It comes from the only natural mineral water source of Finland, the country that, according to UNESCO study, has the finest groundwater in the world.
Story - Vellamo
Vellamo Natural Mineral Water has been studied actively throughout the years due to its unique and fascinating attributes, being water from the Ice Age.
FRA - Vellamo
L’eau minérale naturelle Vellamo est un véritable joyau et extrêmement rare. Elle provient de la seule source d’eau minérale naturelle de Finlande, le pays qui, selon une étude de l’UNESCO, possède les meilleures eaux souterraines au monde.
KR - Vellamo
Vellamo® 내추럴 스프링 워터 두꺼운 능선에서 샘물을 여과합니다 빙하 시대에 녹은 물이 화강암을 통해 여과되어 완벽한 천연 미네랄 워터를 형성하는 동시에, 빙하가 녹은 물은 벨라모 스프링 워터의 본고장으로 잘 알려진 유명한 Salpausselkä 능선을 형성하는 ...
BG - Vellamo
Минерална натурална вода Vellamo е истинско съкровище и рядкост. Тя произлиза от единствения извор на натурална минерална вода във Финландия – държавата, която според проучване на ЮНЕСКО има ...
Spring Water - Vellamo
On the go, by the pool, on a hike or at the office, Vellamo Spring Water is a perfect everyday drink, bottled in a chic, sustainable glass bottle.
DE - Vellamo
Vellamo Natürliches Mineralwasser ist ein wahres Juwel und eine echte Rarität. Es stammt aus der einzigen natürlichen Mineralwasserquelle Finnlands, dem Land, das laut einer UNESCO-Studie über das beste Grundwasser der Welt verfügt.
SVE - Vellamo
Finland är ett land av vatten, skogar och vildmark. Trots att landet har nästan 200 000 sjöar och oräkneliga floder och källor, finns det bara en naturlig mineralvattenbrunn, nämligen Vellamo brunn i den lilla byn Viikinäinen. Källan upptäcktes så sent som 1990, och dess geologiska