Vegoia - Wikipedia
Vegoia (Etruscan: Vecu) is a sibyl, prophet, or nymph within the Etruscan religious framework who is identified as the author of parts of their large and complex set of sacred books, detailing the religiously correct methods of founding cities and shrines, draining fields, formulating laws and ordinances, measuring space and dividing time; she ...
Vegoia - Wikipedia
Vegoia (in etrusco Vecu) è una lasa della mitologia etrusca, raffigurata come una giovane donna alata che tiene in mano una spiga di grano. Il sistema religioso etrusco rimane per lo più oscuro: essendoci pochi documenti bilingui paragonabili alla Stele di Rosetta che potrebbero facilitare la traduzione, la lingua etrusca è poco conosciuta.
The Date of Vegoia's Prophecy - Cambridge University Press
Sep 24, 2012 · Among the collection of documents on limitation in the ‘Corpus agrimensorum Romanorum’, a very rare and strange piece of writing has been handed down as it were by miracle: the fragment, in Latin, of an Etruscan prophecy which is supposed to have been delivered by Vegoia to Arruns Veltumnus.
Végoia — Wikipédia
Vegoia ou Vegoe, ou encore Begoe, était une sibylle étrusque, celle qui a dicté les lois sacrées du bornage étrusque relatives à l'établissement des limites des champs et des terres des villes. « Une prophétie menace ainsi des pires catastrophes quiconque déplacerait les bornes »
About: Vegoia - DBpedia Association
Vegoia (Etruscan: Vecu) is a sibyl, prophet, or nymph within the Etruscan religious framework who is identified as the author of parts of their large and complex set of sacred books, detailing the religiously correct methods of founding cities and shrines, draining fields, formulating laws and ordinances, measuring space and dividing time; she ...
The prophecy of Vegoia affords great interest from several points of view. It begins with the remnants of a cosmogony 7 which evokes biblical echoes and recently has been traced back to a Chaldaean tradition.8 It is permeated with a feeling for the sacredness of boundaries and the inviolability of this ' ius terrae Etruriae ' which a Juppiter ...
Vegoia (Etruscan: Vecu) is a nymph and/or sibyl within the Etruscan religious framework who is responsible for writing some parts of their large and complex set of sacred books, of initiating the Etruscan people to the arts, originating the rules and rituals of land marking, and presiding over the observance, respect and preservation of boundaries.
vegoia | The Atlantic Religion
Jun 5, 2014 · Vegoia was a female divinity similar to Tages who was quoted in the lost texts of the Etrusca Disciplina. Presumably this prophecy was originally a part of the corpus!
(PDF) From Egeria and Vegoia to Carmenta and Kavtha, the social …
From Egeria and Vegoia to Carmenta and Kavtha, the social and cosmic role of female goddesses in Latium and Etruria in landscape orientation, civilian organization, birth, fates and passing of lifetime
The Date of Vegoia's Prophecy - Semantic Scholar
Among the collection of documents on limitation in the ‘Corpus agrimensorum Romanorum’, a very rare and strange piece of writing has been handed down as it were by miracle: the fragment, in Latin, of an Etruscan prophecy which is supposed to have been delivered by …