Eye and Hand of Vecna - DND 5th Edition
The Eye of Vecna and the Hand of Vecna might be found together or separately. The eye looks like a bloodshot organ torn free from the socket. The hand is a mummified and shriveled left …
Eye of Vecna - Forgotten Realms Wiki
The Eye of Vecna was a powerful and evil artifact that granted its wearer supernatural senses and access to powerful spells.[1] The Eye was bloodshot and appeared to have been forcefully …
Vecna - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Regardless of the exact specifics, the only traces left of Vecna's physical body were his left hand and eye, which still carried a fragment of the lich's will. Their latent power turned them into the …
Hand and Eye of Vecna - Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki
The Hand and Eye of Vecna were all that remained of the arch-lich Vecna after his betrayal at the hands of his trusted vampire lieutanant, Kas the Bloody-Handed. Using a sword crafted by …
eye of vecna - Search - D&D Beyond
The Eye of Vecna and the Hand of Vecna might be found together or separately. The eye looks like a bloodshot organ torn free from the socket. The hand is a mummified and shriveled left
Vecna - Wikipedia
The Eye of Vecna creature appears as a slender humanoid with an eyeball for a head, whereas the Hand of Vecna appears as a stocky humanoid with a huge left hand where its head should …
Eye and Hand of Vecna - D&D 5e (2024)
The Eye of Vecna and the Hand of Vecna are separate Artifacts that might be found together or separately. The eye looks like a bloodshot organ torn free from the socket. The hand is a …
Eye of Vecna | Dungeons and Dragons Wiki | Fandom
The Eye of Vecna is a storied artifact that apparently first appeared Eldritch Wizardry (1976), the third supplement to the original Dungeons & Dragons rules. Vecna had been destroyed and all …
Eye of Vecna - DnD content - Wikidot
The Eye of Vecna and the Hand of Vecna might be found together or separately. The eye looks like a bloodshot organ torn free from the socket. The hand is a mummified and shriveled left …
Eye and Hand of Vecna | D&D 5e Wiki | Fandom
The Eye of Vecna and the Hand of Vecna might be found together or separately. The eye looks like a bloodshot organ torn free from the socket. The hand is a mummified and shriveled left …