VBOX Video HD2 - VBOX Motorsport
Our most sophisticated race car video data logger yet, VBOX Video HD2 features 1080p video, real-time synchronised video and data with graphical overlay. Two waterproof cameras capture high-definition video at 30 frames per second, and their output is seamlessly synchronized with the 25 Hz GNSS data.
Download the latest Software - VBOX Motorsport
Download the latest software versions for VBOX Video HD2, VBOX Sport, VBOX Lap Timer, Performance Box Touch and so on.
VBOX Video HD2 - HDMI Track Package
VBOX Video HD2 is the ultimate video data logging system designed for those looking to improve lap times and achieve greater consistency while driving. This system is ideal for motorsport enthusiasts and professionals alike, offering a range of high-tech features.
VBOX Video HD2 - RACELOGIC Support Centre
VBOX Video HD2 is a dual camera, 1080p, 30 or 60 fps video system including GPS data-logging and a live graphical overlay. The HD2 is compatible with OLED systems and Racelogic modules such as the Micro Input Module and Mini Input Module.
Quick Start Guide – VBOX Video HD2 (v12) - RACELOGIC Support …
The VBOX Video HD2 system is a twin camera 1080p video system, with a live time graphical overlay display. The HD2 is compatible with existing OLED systems, as well as Racelogic modules such as the Micro Input Module and Mini Input Module.
VBOX II - RACELOGIC Support Centre
Available with an update rate of 20 times a second, the VBOX II features a built-in display, SD card logging, high-speed brake trigger input, CAN interface and two sets of analogue and digital outputs. You can find further details on the VBOX II products on our website.
Oracle VirtualBox
VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualization software for x86_64 hardware (with version 7.1 additionally for macOS/Arm), targeted at laptop, desktop, server and embedded use. Become a part of the VirtualBox community. Discuss and solve problems in …
HDMI, HD2, Dual Camera, 1080p, HD Graphics, Racelogic, Video VBOX
VBOX Video HD2 is the ultimate video data logging system designed for those looking to improve lap times and achieve greater consistency while driving. This system is ideal for motorsport enthusiasts and professionals alike, offering a range of high-tech features.
Racelogic VBOX Video HD2 (With Predictive Lap Timing
The Racelogic VBOX Video HD2 is the ultimate in video data logging for those who want to achieve better lap times and greater consistency at the wheel. The system consists of dual 1080p cameras, allowing for a main view with embedded picture-in-picture.
VBOX Video HD2represents the very latest in cutting edge technology wit hin the VBOX Motorsport range, giving you a competitive advantage no matter what level of motorsport you compete in. Features • Dual Camera 1080p system • 10 Hz GPS data logging • Records to SD card or USB • Predictive Lap Timing (with OLED display)