• VXU and QBP HL7 v2.5.1 content guidance for messages routed through the IZ Gateway • Guidance on potential content variations and solutions for specific HL7 message
Vaccination Record Update (VXU) messages accepted by the Minnesota Immunization Information Connection (MIIC). HL7 is a standard messaging protocol used to exchange data between health care data systems.
Jan 9, 2025 · Appendix: VXU Message Scenarios The remainder of this document contains the HL7 VXU messages used to test the ACK Errors, Warnings, and Informationals addressed in the
Provider System Sends Immunization Data to Registry (VXU): a VXU (Unsolicited Vaccination Record Update) message is sent from the provider EHR system to the Registry. This message should be sent to the Registry at the time the immunization record is …
CAIR2 accepts unsolicited HL7 v2.5.1 vaccination record updates (VXU) in real time. CAIR2 uses SOAP web services as the transport mechanism. Details regarding the SOAP format can be found in the CAIR2 VXU Test Plan found on the Data Exchange Tech Support Page.
RIDE currently supports VXU, VXQ, and QBP transactions in real time. Provider EHR systems should contain a mechanism for processing VXX/RSP^K11 (Multiple Matches Returned) messages returned from the Registry in response to a provider query.
Sending VXU Data to CAIR CAIR2 accepts unsolicited HL7 v2.5.1 vaccination record updates (VXU) in real time. CAIR2 uses SOAP web services as the transport mechanism.
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The type of HL7 message used to send a patient’s demographic and immunization data to VIIS is called a VXU message. This stands for Unsolicited Vaccination Record Update.
Patients, vaccinations, and the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Provider Identification Number, if applicable, should be at the facility level. An organization may have one or more facilities but a facility may only be a member of one organization.
Resources: AIRA Repository
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the IIS community in using VXU messages to support the interoperability of immunization information between systems in alignment with the National IG.
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