Maps - American Prairie
Our printed visitor map is a great resource that includes essential information about travel to and on the prairie, points of interest, camping, and natural history. Donations from our supporters allow us to provide these maps at no charge.
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American Prairie | Grassland Groupies
Map shows historical ranges of prairie, as well as other grassland types in North America. Map: Daniel Huffman based on NatureServe (Comer et al. 2018) and the International Vegetation Classification and Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World (Dixon et al. 2014)
Prairie - Wikipedia
Prairie ecosystems in the United States and Canada are divided into the easternmost tallgrass prairie, the westernmost shortgrass prairie, and the central mixed-grass prairie.
PRAIRIEMAP: A GIS database for prairie grassland management in …
Jan 1, 2003 · The USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Snake River Field Station (SRFS) maintains a database of spatial information, called PRAIRIEMAP, which is needed to address the management of prairie grasslands in western North America.
Get Maps - USGS Topoview
The US Topo series is a latest generation of topographic maps modeled on the USGS historical 7.5-minute series (created from 1947-1992). Like the historical topographic mapping collection, we've added a variety of file formats previously unavailable for the US Topo series, including GeoTIFF and KMZ.
We will emphasize maps that cover the entire historic prairie grassland range. Spatial data that is relevant to grassland management, such as prairie dog colonies, and any local coverages identified by researchers and managers is also emphasized.
American Prairie
Nov 25, 2024 · Our mission is to create one of the largest nature reserves in the United States. This will serve as a refuge for people and wildlife, forever. Together as conservationists, scientists, and adventurers, we share a common vision for connecting people to …
Map of prairie regions of the United States prior to conversion …
Map of prairie regions of the United States prior to conversion to agriculture (estimated from US Forest Service ecological provinces map; Cleland et al., 2007) and watershed map of...
North AmericanTallgrass Prairie Map Smith & Butler 2011. Title: North-American-Tallgrass-Prairie-Map Created Date: 9/27/2011 2:23:42 PM