10 Superpowers That Are Kind Of Useless - CBR
Jan 27, 2022 · There are plenty that are... less useful. Some of these powers don't make much sense, some are very, very specific, and others just seem like they wouldn't come in all that handy for fighting crime. Or doing much else with them, for that matter.
The 30 most useless superpowers ever created - GameSpot
Feb 11, 2016 · Throw in some "psionic powers," though, and you've got an X-Man with the superpower to make people run toward you or away from you -- and the nickname you deserve. (Photo via: Corbis) Featured...
For superpowers... That are useless. - Reddit
r/uselesssuperpowers: Have you ever thought of or seen a superpower that was completely useless, but didn't want to cause a scene? Well, do it here!…
35 Most Useless Superpowers Ever Created (Ranked) - Fiction …
Jul 18, 2022 · Fight, telekinesis, elemental manipulation, superhuman speed, etc. – all of these powers are truly amazing and have been used to save the world and humanity on more than one occasion.
40 People Reveal Their Useless Superpowers That Are Somehow …
Apr 6, 2023 · We collected the best responses and compiled a list of superpowers that are equal parts quirky and comical, showcasing the unique abilities and strange talents that make some humans wonderfully weird.
The Most Useless Superpowers - Grunge
Nov 27, 2017 · To be clear, Ten-Eyed Man has no superpower beyond having 10 eyes, all of which are located on his fingertips. Hell, he doesn't even have regular eyes to back up these extra eyes, because he was blinded in an explosion.
The Most Useless Super Powers In Comics, Ranked
Oct 9, 2024 · Comic book superpowers that are the most useless. In the vast universe of comic books, not every superpower is created equal. Some characters are endowed with abilities that, while unique, seem more suited for a comedic twist than saving the day.
20 Completely Useless Superpowers - Awkward.com
We know all about the superheroes with powers we envy: flying, x-ray vision, shrinking down to a molecule. But did you know there are a bunch of useless superpowers out there as well? I’m not sure if you’re really gonna want any of these, to be honest with you… 1. We all need that. 2. A good option. 3. Ouch. 4. Not very good. 5. Uh uh, no way. 6.
20 people revealed their 'useless' superpowers and it's
May 1, 2023 · Recently, in a Reddit thread, people revealed their useless superpowers, no matter how silly or uncool they may be. When we think of superpowers, they are often associated with flying, being invisible, or—even better—wielding Thor's hammer. These are the quintessential abilities of a superhuman.
What're some of the most useless superpowers? : r ... - Reddit
Jan 9, 2024 · There are a couple of Marvel mutants with lame ass powers. For example, the guy who can turn his skin, and only his skin, translucent. But I've got two specific examples. Bailey Hoskins, the worst X-Man ever, has the power to explode. Problem is, he can only do it once because he'll die.