Sousuke Sagara - Akurasu Wiki
Nov 19, 2015 · Sousuke Sagara (相良宗介 Sagara Sousuke) is the main protagonist of the Full Metal Panic! series. He is a part of Mithril's Special Response Team of arm slave pilots and his designated call sign is Uruz 7.
Sousuke Sagara - My Apartment Manager is not an Isekai Character
He is a member of the SRT (Special Response Team) of the Western Pacific Battle Group "Tuatha de Danaan". His call sign is Uruz-7 and his ID number is B-3128, and operates as team point-man as an Arm Slave specialist."
Uruz-7 - 百度百科
Uruz-7,“秘银”(Mithril)组织的佣兵,军曹(中士),野牛7(Uruz-7),识别编号为B-3128。性格呆板。爱用的手枪是Glock19(动画版是Glock26),人种是日本人,但没有日本户籍。 在阿富汗及其他世界各地的战场作战的强悍雇佣兵。
Sagara Sousuke - Character (1456) - AniDB
Sagara Sousuke is a mercenary soldier who is assigned to the elite SRT of Mithril, a secret paramilitary organization. His call sign is Uruz 7. A 17-year-old novice, but has been through many wars since childhood including Helmajistan. A specialist with a long war record, he is extremely skilled.
Uruz 7 - YouTube
He saw her Pantsu 「Tomo-chan Is a Girl!」
24 Futhark Runes: its Meaning, Symbols & How to Use them
Jul 18, 2023 · The name “Futhark” is actually an acronym for the first six runes: Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho, and Kennaz. Traditionally, the Elder Futhark contains 24 different letters that are divided into three groups, or “aetts” (“eights”).
The Elder Futhark Runes And Their Meanings - SHIELDMAIDEN'S …
Mar 12, 2019 · 2) URUZ represents a Bull. It symbolizes Strength, Tenacity, Courage, Untamed Potential, Freedom. 3) THURISAZ represents a Thorn. It symbolizes Reaction, Defense, Conflict, Catharsis, Regeneration. 4) ANSUZ represents an Estuary. It symbolizes the Mouth, Communication, Understanding, Inspiration. 5) RAIDHO represents a Wagon.
全金属狂潮主要人物 - 百度知道
Jul 11, 2024 · 全金属狂潮中的主要人物包括相良宗介,一个17岁的日本少年,军衔为中士,代号Uruz-7。他父母早逝,被苏联KGB培养为杀手,后被阿富汗游击领袖马基德收养,擅长侦查、爆破和AS操作,使用Glock19。他的经历丰富,曾在阿富汗执行任务,后加入秘银军事训练营。
Uruz-7 - 中文百科全書
Uruz-7,“秘銀”(Mithril)組織的傭兵,軍曹(中士),野牛7(Uruz-7),識別編號為B-3128。性格呆板。愛用的手槍是Glock19(動畫版是Glock26),人種是日本人,但沒有日本戶籍。 在阿富汗及其他世界各地的戰場作戰的強悍僱傭兵。
相良宗介 - 萌娘百科 - moegirl.uk
相良宗介 (日语: 相良 宗介さがら そうすけ)是 贺东招二 所创作的轻小说 《全金属狂潮》 及其衍生作品的登场角色。 军事组织 秘银 (Mithril)作战部西太平洋战队的军士。 TDD-1的SRT部队成员,代号Uruz-7 (野牛七号),SRT小组队友为Uruz-2 梅丽莎·毛 和Uruz-6 克鲁兹·威巴。 在秘银发现Whispered 千鸟要 的安全受到威胁时,梅丽莎的三人组被派往东京进行保护,其中相良宗介转入千年要所在的 都立阵代高校 2年4班。 由于相良宗介基本没有和平世界的常识可言,转学以来, …