ICON IRB Help - University of Houston
All submissions for IRB review and consideration must be entered into the Integrated Compliance Oversight Network (ICON) system. The ICON system can be accessed online anytime, in any browser, with your UH Cougarnet Credentials.
Human Subjects/IRB - University of Houston
IRB applications must be submitted online through ICON. Detailed training materials and videos can be found here. IMPORTANT: Build your protocol prior to starting a submission in ICON.
Reminder - ICON is being upgraded to version 9.0.7. The system will be offline Thursday, November 4 at 10 p.m. through Sunday, November 7.
To access the ICON System, click the following link: http://icon.research.uh.edu/ Access the ICON system using your UH CougarNet ID and passwordLinks to ICON .
Download Zone - University of Houston
The Download Zone is the primary source for UH-approved logos, templates, icons, and photos to help you tell your unique part of the UH story. UH Faculty, Staff, and Students may sign in to the Download Zone using your CougarNet login credentials.
ICON IRB Help - University of Houston - m.uh.edu
All submissions for IRB review and consideration must be entered into the Integrated Compliance Oversight Network (ICON) system. The ICON system can be accessed online anytime, in any browser, with your UH Cougarnet Credentials.
ICON IRB Help - University of Houston - grad.polsci.uh.edu
All submissions for IRB review and consideration must be entered into the Integrated Compliance Oversight Network (ICON) system. The ICON system can be accessed online anytime, in any browser, with your UH Cougarnet Credentials.
IRB - Investigator Tools - University of Houston
All items can also be found under the Library tab in the ICON online system. Investigator Manual. Faculty Sponsor Manual. Research Match Protocol Preparation Instructions. IRB Reliance Tools. Prior to accessing the appendices listed below, please take a moment to review the IRB Reliance guidelines. Reliance on UT-TMC Member IRB
Recently Applied at UH? If you have not enrolled for the current or the next semester and you have received your myUH ID number, please use the myUH (PeopleSoft) ID tab and use your myUH self-service account and its password to log in to AccessUH.
AccessUH PASS Icon - University of Houston
Jan 19, 2020 · AccessUH PASS Icon Missing. Affected Services. AccessUH ; Event Updates AccessUH PASS Icon Missing January 19, 2020 , 5:45 AM. The PASS Icon via Access UH is missing. Technical Staff is investigating the issue. Users can login to P.A.S.S. directly by accessing the website. MY.UH.EDU