Can I set the timeout for UdpClient in C#? - Stack Overflow
Feb 17, 2010 · There is a SendTimeout and a ReceiveTimeout property that you can use in the Socket of the UdpClient. Here is an example of a 5 second timeout: var udpClient = new UdpClient(); udpClient.Client.SendTimeout = 5000; udpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 5000; ...
The performance (or other) differences between raw Socket and …
Feb 24, 2010 · As the docs say, UdpClient/TcpClient are a thin wrapper on top of Socket class. If all you want to do is send/receive blobs of data, then these classes are good. For this scenario, there is no difference in performance between Socket and UdpClient/TcpClient. However, Socket does provide a faster way to do IO, in the form of XXXAsync() methods.
Use UdpClient with IPv4 and IPv6? - Stack Overflow
You have to use var udpClient = new UdpClient(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6); instead of the default constructor. Otherwise an invalid Argument Exception "The AddressFamily InterNetworkV6 is not valid for the System.Net.IPEndPoint" is rised when trying to receive data because UdpClient does not change its private Address Family when setting a ...
UdpClient.Receive (...) doesn't receive any data - Stack Overflow
May 30, 2013 · I had a UDPClient that broadcasted a udp packet for discovery of some custom machines on our network. When I tried to receive the message that the servers would simply echo back, it would not receive the information and would timeout. Turns out that if you use a UDPClient that broadcasts a message out, it WILL NOT be able to receive messages back.
C# Application not receiving packets on UDPClient.Receive
Jun 23, 2014 · This was the correct answer for me: don't call Connect but send the remote address and port in the Send() function, e.g. udpClient.Send(dgram, dgram.Length, remoteEndPoint); – Slate Commented Feb 9, 2016 at 10:52
How to receive UDP packages when using UdpClient class in C#
Apr 12, 2015 · I am using UdpClient class and I am able to send some messages to the server. However, I don't know how to receive UDP packages from the server. JavaScript and Windows Form Widgets are event-driven, but UdpClient class in C# doesn't have any convenient events related to data reception. Also, I don't know where to put the code of package reception.
.net - C# UDP multiple clients - Stack Overflow
Apr 27, 2013 · I have a UDP server in a .NETMF application (the solution would probably be similar for classic .NET Framework 4.5, except that there aren't some classes and methods such as UdpClient). I "start listening" on a socket like this: _server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); _server.Bind(ep);
c# - UdpClient receive on broadcast address - Stack Overflow
Jan 7, 2015 · this.udpClient.Client.Bind(this.broadcastAddress); this.udpClient.BeginReceive(new AsyncCallback(this.ReceiveCallback), null); Hopefully this helps, you should be able to adapt it to working synchronously without too much issue. Very similar to what you are doing.
c# - Is there no build-in way to cancel a UdpClient.ReceiveAsync ...
Mar 23, 2021 · I recently ran into this exact problem on a .Net Core 3.1 project; no good way around it other than through accessing the socket directly (UdpClient.Client), but it's nice to have it available in. NET 6, as many projects can (and will) be upgraded. Here is the relevant discussion on GitHub, in case you can't upgrade yet:
C# UDPClient accept any IP address - Stack Overflow
Jun 7, 2016 · What I have at the moment is Peer 1 is connecting to a server on port 8924, the server writes the remote IP Address and port details to a SQL database. Peer 2 connects to the Server and requests the details, Peer 2 then creates a new UDPClient and IPEndpoint using the details obtained.