Uda seed: 18 Benefits, uses, cures, risks (Negro Pepper) - FitNigerian
Jul 1, 2022 · Uda seed (also commonly known as Negro pepper) is an aromatic spice with lots of amazing health benefits to offer. Uda seed is known as Negro pepper or Grains of Selim in the English language, Erunje or Erinje in Yoruba language, Uda in Igbo language and Kimba in the Hausa language.
Uda: Uses, Health Benefits, Side Effects of Negro peppers (Xylopia ...
Nov 3, 2020 · Uda is used in the treatment of a number of diseases including cough, malaria, constipation, uterine fibroid, and amenorrhea. It is also used locally as carminative, stimulant and adjunct to other remedies for the treatment of skin infection.
8 Powerful Health Benefits of Uda Seed (Negro Pepper)
Jul 13, 2023 · Uda seed or Negro pepper is an aromatic spice commonly used in flavouring foods in certain parts of the world, including Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana, Brazil, among others. This article focuses on the nutritional composition and health benefits of negro pepper.
Uda Seed, Negro Pepper or Grains of Selim (Xylopia
Aug 10, 2023 · Uda seed, or grains of Selim is pungent, resinous, somewhat bitter tasting, and has a unique aroma, and musky flavour. It is a peppery spice used to flavor soups, stews and to spice drinks. In Northern Cameroon, it is one of the …
The spice helps to boost the production of prostaglandin and have equally been proven effective for treating neuralgia and lumbago. Negro pepper can be used as an insecticide for killing insects. Side Effects of the Negro Pepper
Uda Seed: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects - Public Health
May 16, 2022 · Uda seed (Xylopia Aethiopica), known as Chimba in Hausa, Eeru alamo in Yoruba, is an important seed in Africa because of its medical and traditional uses. In the Middle Ages, the fruit was exported to Europe as a ‘pepper’. …
Negro Pepper: Health Benefits of Uda Seed, Side effects
Jul 19, 2022 · Negro pepper is an aromatic spice commonly used in flavoring foods in certain parts of the world. In Nigeria, it is called Uda in the Igbo language, and Eeru Alamo in the Yoruba language.
Uda Seed (Negro Pepper) Health Benefits - FabWoman
Jan 7, 2021 · Known as Uda seed in Igbo, Eeru Alamo in Yoruba and Chimba in Hausa, Its botanical name is Xylopia aethiopica and it belongs to the Annonaceae family. It has a smoky aroma and the shape is about 5mm length. This seed is usually the main ingredients for making spicy black pepper sauce.
8 Pure Health Benefits of Uda Seed (Negro Pepper)
Aug 7, 2023 · Uda seed or Negro pepper is an aromatic spice commonly used in flavouring foods in certain parts of the world, including Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana, Brazil, among others. The botanical name of uda seed (negro pepper) is Xylopia aethiopica from the Annonaceae family.
All you need to know about Uda seeds ( Negro Pepper)
Uda seed (also commonly known as Negro pepper) is an aromatic spice with lots of amazing health benefits to offer. Uda seed is known as Negro pepper or Grains of Selim in the English language, Erunje or Erinje in Yoruba language, Uda in …
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