UC-9 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The UC-9 (Under Cover 9mm) also known as the DEB M21 (David E. Boatman Model 21), is an American folding submachine gun. The weapon was first designed in the 1980s by American Utah Connor. Utah Connor demonstrated his first UC-9 prototype at a …
4 Folding submachine guns we'd love to get our hands on
Aug 8, 2017 · The UC-M21 folding submachine gun or “stealth gun” makes a cameo appearance in Robocop II. Submachine guns have been around for the better part of a century.
UC-9 - Wikipedia
The UC-9, also known as the DEB M21, is a foldable submachine gun designed by Utah Connor in the mid 1970s. [2] Based on an Uzi 9mm and using unmodified Uzi magazines, the gun can be folded in half into a compact box design, with the initial production run styled to resemble contemporary portable transistor radios .
UC-9 - RoboCop Wiki
The UC-9, also known as the DEB M21, is a submachine gun designed to transform into a small box for disguise. The M21 is notable for being the weapon of choice of Hob, next to his Desert Eagle.
UC-9 - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV …
The UC-9 (Under Cover 9mm), later known as the DEB M21 (David E. Boatman Model 21), was a submachine gun designed by American Utah Connor and produced by David Boatman.
This is the UC-M21 (as seen in RoboCop 2). A real folding ... - Reddit
Feb 24, 2015 · This is the UC-M21 (as seen in RoboCop 2). A real folding submachine gun designed in 1980 and, in my opinion the perfect is inspiration for a rebelle secret shot mod.
UC foldable Submachine Gun | thefirearmblog.com
Feb 28, 2009 · There have been quite a few of these foldable submachine guns, most recently the prototype Magpul FMG-9.What confuses me is that the UC, which was originally known as the UC-M21, is generally credited to a guy named Dave Boatman. FullAutoClassics attributes it to …
Guns of Pop Culture: DEB M21 & “RoboCop 2” - Pew Pew Tactical
Feb 8, 2023 · We take a look at the DEB M21 -- an SMG wielded by child terror Hob in "RoboCop 2." Come learn more about this submachine gun!
UC-M21折叠 冲锋枪 - 枪炮世界
博特曼的这种折叠冲锋枪被命名为 UC-M21。 对于斯通纳的阿雷斯 FMG 和博特曼的 M21 之间有没有什么关系,现在是不得而知,但这两种冲锋枪在概念和设计细节上是有着惊人的相似,包括包络式自由枪机、开锁待击的动作机构,以及机匣和握把的总体设计等等。 但博特曼的 UC-M21 冲锋枪采用不同的折叠机匣后的锁定方式,它采用的是两个弹簧珠,位于机匣前面的两侧,后机匣(折叠枪托)的尾部有小圆洞,折叠后弹簧珠卡进洞里。 此外另一个不同点就是 UC-M21 冲 …
ARES FMG / UC-M21 folding submachine gun - Strikehold.net
Nov 14, 2017 · Like the FMG before it, the UC-M21 fell foul of new Federal laws that prohibited the manufacture of new fully-automatic firearms that could be bought by qualified civilians after 1986. As a result, both of these firearms are very rare and very valuable.
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