German submarine U-1206 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-1206 was a Type VIIC U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War II. She was laid down on 12 June 1943 at F. Schichau GmbH in Danzig and went into service on 16 March 1944.
U-1206 – The Submarine Destroyed By Its Own Toilet
Oct 5, 2023 · The German submarine U-1206 was forced to surface off the coast of Scotland in April 1945 due to a malfunction with its high-pressure flushing system.
The Type VIIC U-boat U-1206 - German U-boats of WWII
Apr 14, 2011 · However, the story should rightly be attributed to U-1206, one of the late model boats fitted with a new high-pressure toilet allowing the toilet to be used at greater depths than before (though in reality the culprit was not actually the toilet itself).
This Nazi sub was sunk when its captain took a dump - Military Times
Nov 26, 2019 · It came in the form of the Nazi submarine U-1206. The Type VIIC boat was a technological marvel armed with two anti-aircraft guns, five torpedo tubes, and most impressively, a complex toilet...
U-1206 – The Only Sub to be Sunk By a Dump on the Toilet
Mar 20, 2015 · The U-1206 was commissioned on March 16, 1944 and a type 7C U-boat. This type U-Boat was equipped with a new type of toilet designed to allow the submarine to dive deeper and avoid Allied attack. It was a very complicated high pressure valve system which required special training to use them.
The Plumbing Disaster That Led to the Sinking of U-1206
Feb 1, 2023 · German U-boat U-1206 met its demise when nature called - the flushing of the vessel's high-tech toilet led to its untimely sinking.
U 1206 – Wikipedia
U 1206 war ein von der Kriegsmarine im Zweiten Weltkrieg eingesetztes U-Boot vom Typ VII C. Das Boot wurde dadurch bekannt, dass es im April 1945 auf seiner ersten Feindfahrt vor der Küste Schottlands möglicherweise aufgrund eines Bedienungsfehlers des Kommandanten Karl-Adolf Schlitt an der Bordtoilette beschädigt wurde, auftauchen musste ...
German submarine U-1206 | Military Wiki | Fandom
German submarine U-1206 was a German Type VIIC U-boat of the Kriegsmarine during World War II. She was laid down on June 12, 1943 at F. Schichau GmbH in Danzig and went into service on March 16, 1944.
Buchan Shipwrecks - U-1206
U-1206 was launched in December 1943 and commissioned in March 1944 under command of Oblt. Gunther Fritze, it spent the following ten months with 8th Training Flotilla during which a snorkel was fitted and command transferred to Kptlt.
U-1206 – Wikipedia
U-1206 oli Saksan laivaston tyypin VIIC sukellusvene toisessa maailmansodassa. Aluksen tunnuskuvana oli mustalla kilvellä vihreänokkainen ja -jalkainen valkoinen haikara. [1]