Tuffle - Dragon Ball Wiki
Tuffles (ツフル人 Tsufuru-jin, lit. "Tsufruian") are a highly advanced, technological race of beings native to Planet Plant. The planet is later taken over by the Saiyans, leaving the Tuffles extinct in Universe 7. However, their race still exists in Universe 2, as seen in the Tournament of Power, as well as in Universe 6.
Tsufruian - Dragon Universe Wiki | Fandom
Tsufruian is a pun on the Japanese pronunciation of the English fruit (フルーツ, furuutsu), similar to how Saiyan is a pun on "vegetable". The dub, however, changed it to be "Tuffle", which is most likely a pun on "Truffle", a fungus. An unidentified member of the 2nd Universe team is …
Tsufurujin | Dragon Ball Wiki Brasil | Fandom
Tsufurujin (ツフル人) foram uma raça altamente avançada em tecnologia nativos do Planeta Planta. Porém, o planeta foi dominado pelos Saiyajin, deixando os Tsufurujin extintos. O nome japonês Tsufuru-jin é um trocadilho.
Tsufruianos | Dragon Ball Wiki Hispano | Fandom
Los tsufruianos (ツフル人Tsufuru-jin¿?, pron. [sufruános] o [tsufruános]) eran una raza extraterrestre culturalmente avanzada que habitaban en Plant del Universo 7, antes que los saiyanos llegaran al planeta, lo conquistaran y lo renombraran a Vegeta, dejando a los tsufruianos extintos en el Universo 7.
Tsufuru-jin | Dragonball Omega Wiki | Fandom
Tsufuru-Jin: The Tsufuru-jin (also referred to as a Tuffle) are a frail, yet highly intelligent native of the Planet Plant. They protected their domain from the chaotic race of wilderness-dwelling Saiyans, but ultimately lost the battle and were forced …
Tsufruian - Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, the Dragon Ball wiki
The Tsufruians (ツフル人, Tsufuru-jin; FUNimation "Tuffle") are a highly advanced technological race who are believed to be native to Planet Plant before it is taken over by the Saiyans. Main article: Origins of character names in Dragon Ball. The Japanese name Tsufuru-jin is a pun relating to the Saiyans (who are all named after vegetables).
Tsufuru-jin - Dragon Ball Wiki - Neoseeker
The Tsufuru-jin race, also know as the Tuffles, Tsuffles or the Tsufuru depending on the version of dub you experience, were the people who lived alongside the Saiyan people on...
Are the Tuffles canon? : r/dbz - Reddit
Jan 21, 2016 · They are a primitive, warlike race called the Saiyans. Their biggest distinguishing characteristic is that they have tails, and every one of them seems to be a warrior. The Tuffles are never mentioned in the manga, I'm not sure if they're mentioned in guidebooks or not though. I thought for sure that the u6 robot was going to be a tuffle. no.
Tsuful | Dragon Ball Multiverse Wiki | Fandom
The Tsufuls (ツフル人, Tsufuru-jin), also known as Tuffles (ツフル人 Tsufuru-jin, lit. "Tsufruian") in some English sectors, are a highly advanced, technological race of beings native to Planet Plant, later renamed Planet Vegeta in many universes after their own genocide by Saiyans. The Japanese name Tsufuru-jin is a pun.
Tsufurujin | Roleplay Budokai Wiki - Fandom
A technologically advanced race of humanoids that live on an island off of the coast of the mainland. Presumably descended from some form of feline, they are typically haughty, and quite intelligent, boasting the highest intelligence stat in the game.