Microgadus tomcod - Wikipedia
— (Atlantic tomcod, Tomcod, Frostfish, Tommycod), is a type of cod found in North American coastal waters from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Estuary of St. Lawrence River and northern Newfoundland, south to Virginia.
Atlantic Tomcod – Wells Reserve at Laudholm
The Atlantic Tomcod, also known as frostfish or tommy cod, is a benthopelagic piscivore. It is common in the seacoast region, though locals claim large ones are caught less often in estuarine rivers than they once were. Juveniles are occasionally collected during trawl and fyke net surveys.
Atlantic Tomcod - CT.gov
For unclear reasons, populations of Atlantic tomcod have recently declined throughout much of its range (8-inch specimen pictured). Identification. Streamlined body, tapering to very slender near the tail. Snout with a rounded end. Small scales. Three dorsal fins. Two anal fins. Filamentous extensions on pelvic fins.
The voracious tomcod - Fishing is simple, it's not that complicated
Known in French as “le p'tit poisson des chenaux”, the tomcod is sure to please during ice fishing season: it is accessible and easy to bait.
Atlantic Tomcod (Microgadus tomcod) — Atlantic Salmon …
Atlantic tomcod are distributed along the coast from south Labrador to Virginia. They prefer the brackish waters of salt marshes and river mouths, but can also be found in freshwater. They are usually not found in depths exceeding 6 meters. In the …
Microgadus tomcod, Atlantic tomcod : fisheries, gamefish
Found in coastal, brackish and fresh water, landlocked in several lakes. Feeds mostly on small crustaceans, (especially shrimps and amphipods); also worms, small mollusks, squids and fishes (smelt, sticklebacks, striped bass, alewives, shed, herring and sculpins (Ref. 5951)) (Ref. 1371). Oviparous, sexes are separate (Ref. 205).
Tommy cod recipes and cooking tips
List of Tommy Cod recipes and cooking tips for the famous poisson des chenaux from Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade!
Welcome to Fishermen's Voice
Microgadus Tomcod (Gadus being Latin for Cod) are found in North American coastal waters from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and northern Newfoundland south to Virginia. Anadronomous, meaning they have to come into fresh water to spawn, their season usually runs from late-December to mid-February, although this may vary slightly by location.
Tommy Cod ice fishing in Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade :: Centre de …
Welcome to the Centre de Peche G. Marceau & Filles, located in beautiful Sainte-Anne-de-la-Perade, the world capital of the Tommy Cod ice fishing. From december 26th, 2024 to mid-february 2025, it's a unique winter experience in Quebec : An ice fishing village on a frozen river.
Atlantic tomcod - Fourchette bleue par Exploramer
Atlantic cod or “ p’tit poisson des chenaux ” (Tommy cod) have made Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, between Trois-Rivières and Quebec City, world famous with its 500 or so ice-fishing shacks. From mid-December to mid-February, they form a magical little village for …