What are the best ways to Evolve Togepi? - GameFAQs
Mar 22, 2009 · I prefer growing a bunch of the berries that lower EVs and raise friendship. Tamato, Pomeg, etc. Stuff Togepi's face until they stop working. And there's always the option of giving Togepi a massage. You can find the masseuse in Veilstone, or another at the Resort Area.
I have a question. How can I evolve Togepi? - GameFAQs
Mar 14, 2010 · Togepi evolves once it is sufficiently happy. Happiness is a hidden stat, and sometimes called Friendship. It basically goes up over time based on it leveling up, being used in battles, being given items, etc.
Togepi - Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - GameFAQs
Good Luck!---Dragon Quest IX LSC solo: Wormwood onto The Bow Hole Lv37 [7:50]Monster Hunter Tri Name: King ID: VN96FV HR: 106 Thank you for all the tips.I'm saving before i ask for the togepi on two different memory cards. I'll then complete the game with the desired togepi and trade to emerald, evolve on heartgold and use a shiny stone.
togepi or elekid - Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - GameFAQs
If you transfer Togepi to D/P/P, it makes for a powerful special attacker with Tri Attack. Also, you can get Electabuzz in the game anyway, so there isn't much point in Elekid.
Togepi - Pokemon HeartGold Version - GameFAQs
The recommended nature and ability for Togepi (or rather Togekiss) is Timid (+speed -atk) with Serene grace. The Child of Mercy is Peace - me My 3DS FC: 4742-9165-3335
Best nature and ability for the Togepi line? - Pokemon X
Both Timid, Modest, and Bold works, now that Togepi picked up the Fairy typing. She has really good HP and her Sp. Def is really good, so she can work as a tank pretty well in combination with the Paralyze/Serene Slash strategy.
Quickest way to evolve togepi - Pokemon HeartGold Version
For Pokemon HeartGold Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Quickest way to evolve togepi
How to evolve Togepi? - Pokemon HeartGold Version Q&A for DS
Mar 14, 2010 · Try not making it faint. If Togepi's happiness has reached a certain level, it will evolve. There's a woman in Goldenrod that tell syou how your pkmn feels about you. If she says "I get the feeling that it really trsuts you" then Togepi is close to evolve. Things that help boosting happiness:-Walking (A LOT)-Leveling up-Haircuts
Togepi evolutions? - Pokemon HeartGold Version Q&A for DS
Mar 14, 2010 · If you get the message "It looks really happy! It must love you a lot." then you should be above the threshold for evolving. It will evolve at any level-up after that (doesn't need to be a specific level). Make sure that Togepi is not holding an Everstone because that will prevent it from evolving. Shiny Stone is the one to evolve Togetic into ...
Fast way to evolve Togepi (raising happiness) - Pokemon Sword
Togepi itself cannot breed, it has to evolve to Togetic in order to do so. Because of this, breeding Togepi can require you to evolve several of them as you get ones with more perfect IVs to act as parents. To make this process fast without wasting too many berries, I tested the exact number of berries and level ups you need for Togepi to evolve.