Eoarchean - Wikipedia
The Eoarchean (IPA: / ˌiːoʊ.ɑːrˈkiːən / EE-oh-ar-KEE-ən; also spelled Eoarchaean) is the first era of the Archean Eon of the geologic record. It spans 431 million years, from the end of the Hadean Eon 4031 Mya to the start of the Paleoarchean Era 3600 Mya.
Eoarchean Era - Geology Page
Jan 16, 2014 · In the geologic record the Eoarchean (/ˌiːoʊ.ɑrˈkiːən/; also spelled Eoarchaean) Era or erathem is the earliest time following the solidification of Earth’s crust. It follows the Hadean and precedes the Paleoarchean Era of the geologic timescale.
Archean - Wikipedia
The Archean Eon (IPA: / ɑːrˈkiːən / ar-KEE-ən, also spelled Archaean or Archæan), in older sources sometimes called the Archaeozoic, is the second of the four geologic eons of Earth 's history, preceded by the Hadean Eon and followed by the Proterozoic and the Phanerozoic.
Eoarchean geology - Wikipedia
Eoarchean geology is the study of the oldest preserved crustal fragments of Earth during the Eoarchean era from 4.031 to 3.6 billion years ago.
Fifty years of the Eoarchean and the case for evolving ...
Dec 1, 2021 · Greenland’s Eoarchean mafic rocks formed by fluid-fluxing of depleted upper mantle. Formation of Greenland’s Eoarchean crust matches convergent plate boundary processes. Greenland’s Eoarchean geology is inconsistent with stagnant-lid/heat-pipe models.
Remnants of Eoarchean continental crust derived from a
Eoarchean [3.6 to 4.0 billion years ago (Ga)] tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) is the major component of Earth’s oldest remnant continental crust, thereby holding the key to understanding how continental crust originated and when plate tectonics started in the early Earth.
Widespread reworking of Hadean-to-Eoarchean continents during …
Jan 12, 2021 · Here we report Hf isotopic data in 3.9 to 1.8 billion year old detrital zircon from modern stream sediment samples from West Greenland, which document successive reworking of felsic...
The Archean atmosphere | Science Advances - AAAS
For context, the Archean precedes the Proterozoic eon of 2.5 Ga to 541 ± 1 million years (Ma) ago, and Archean eras provide a timeline for our discussion: the Eoarchean (4 to 3.6 Ga ago), Paleoarchean (3.6 to 3.2 Ga ago), Mesoarchean (3.2 to 2.8 Ga ago), and Neoarchean (2.8 to …
Eoarchean and Hadean melts reveal arc-like trace element and
Feb 28, 2023 · Here we use detrital Jack Hills zircon (3.7 − 4.2 Ga) analyses coupled with new experimental partitioning data to model the silica content, Si+O isotopic composition, and trace element contents...
Archean Eon | Atmosphere, Timeline, and Facts | Britannica
Jan 20, 2025 · Archean Eon, the earlier of the two formal divisions of Precambrian time (about 4.6 billion to 541 million years ago) and the period when life first formed on Earth.