21 Polite Ways to End a Long Conversation at Work | The Muse
Jun 19, 2020 · “Wow, I can’t believe it’s already [time]. Do you mind if I hang up and finish up my to-do list?” With these polite but firm ways of saying goodbye, you’ll never be stuck in “conversation purgatory” again.
Wrap it up - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Wrap it up, Bob, you've been talking for nearly half an hour already. We're running short on time, so I'm afraid we'll have to start wrapping it up. 2. To stop making noise; stop talking. Often used as an imperative. OK, you two in the back, wrap it up! …
Top 42 Slang For Ending – Meaning & Usage - FluentSlang
Mar 4, 2024 · 1. Wrap it up. To “wrap it up” means to finish or conclude something, often in a prompt or efficient manner. This phrase is commonly used in various contexts to indicate the end of a task or activity. For example, in a meeting, someone might say, “Let’s wrap it up, we’re running out of time.”
Time to finish - five English expressions to end a business meeting
‘Wrap up’ is quite an informal phrase, but it’s fine to use in office situations. E.g. “It’s 1pm so let’s wrap up this meeting and I’ll see you all again next week.”
to wrap it up | English examples in context | Ludwig
"to wrap it up" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it at the end of a speech or writing to signify that you are ending the topic or discussion. Example sentence: In conclusion, I'd like to thank all of you for your time and attention.
Wrap it up idiom meaning, example sentences | Way2Unknown
"Wrap it up" is a phrase commonly used to signal the end or completion of a task, conversation, or activity. It serves as a gentle directive, indicating that it's time to summarize key points, finalize decisions, or bring closure to the discussion.
15 Polite Ways To End A Conversation That Has Run Its Course
Dec 13, 2023 · Here are some polite, no-hard-feelings ways to wrap things up without sounding like you’re running for the exit. 1. “I’ve Loved Catching Up, But I Have To Get Going.” This is the bread and butter of conversation endings. It’s simple, polite, …
Guide: How to Say “Wrap Up”
Jul 17, 2021 · Knowing how to effectively communicate the idea of “wrap up” is not only helpful in professional settings, but also in day-to-day conversations. Whether you want to end a meeting, a presentation, or even a casual chat, expressing the intention …
Wrapping it up - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Wrap it up, Bob, you've been talking for nearly half an hour already. We're running short on time, so I'm afraid we'll have to start wrapping it up. 2. To stop making noise; stop talking. Often used as an imperative. OK, you two in the back, wrap it up! …
Wrap up - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To get to the point of what one is saying. Often used as an imperative. Wrap it up, Bob, you've been talking for nearly half an hour already. We're running short on time, so I'm afraid we'll have to start wrapping it up. 2. To stop making noise; stop talking. Often used as an imperative. OK, you two in the back, wrap it up!