The Tempest - Wikipedia
The Tempest is a play by William Shakespeare, probably written in 1610–1611, and thought to be one of the last plays that he wrote alone.
The Tempest - Entire Play | Folger Shakespeare Library
Jul 31, 2015 · A story of shipwreck and magic, The Tempest begins on a ship caught in a violent storm with Alonso, the king of Naples, on board. On a nearby island, the exiled Duke of Milan, Prospero, tells his daughter, Miranda, that he has caused the storm with his magical powers.
The Tempest: Study Guide - SparkNotes
The Tempest by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1610-1611, is a captivating play that blends elements of romance, magic, and political intrigue. Set on a remote island, the story follows Prospero, the exiled Duke of Milan, who uses his magical powers to create a tempest that shipwrecks his usurping brother, Antonio, and ...
The Tempest by William Shakespeare Plot Summary - LitCharts
Get all the key plot points of William Shakespeare's The Tempest on one page. From the creators of SparkNotes.
The Tempest: Full Book Summary - SparkNotes
A short summary of William Shakespeare's The Tempest. This free synopsis covers all the crucial plot points of The Tempest.
The Tempest: Entire Play - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
When first I raised the tempest. Say, my spirit, How fares the king and's followers? ARIEL Confined together In the same fashion as you gave in charge, Just as you left them; all prisoners, sir, In the line-grove which weather-fends your cell; They cannot budge till your release. The king, His brother and yours, abide all three distracted
The Tempest Study Guide | Literature Guide - LitCharts
The best study guide to The Tempest on the planet, from the creators of SparkNotes. Get the summaries, analysis, and quotes you need.
The Tempest Translation | Shakescleare, by LitCharts
The Shakescleare version of The Tempest includes a modern English translation, which will allow you to easily access Shakespeare’s complex language and decipher the play’s most important quotes, such as “We are such stuff / As dreams are made on” and “Hell is …
The Tempest - Folger Shakespeare Library
Aug 29, 2023 · The barnacle goose, referenced in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” was an unmistakable symbol of metamorphosis for a 17th-century audience. It was commonly believed that the barnacle goose evolved from driftwood.
Speak to th' mariners; fall to't yarely, or we run ourselves aground; bestir, bestir. Exit Enter MARINERS BOATSWAIN. Heigh, my hearts! cheerly, cheerly, my hearts! yare, yare! Take in the topsail. Tend to th' master's whistle. Blow till thou burst thy wind, if room enough.