Teucer - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Teucer (/ ˈ tj uː s ər /; Ancient Greek: Τεῦκρος, romanized: Teûkros, also Teucrus, Teucros or Teucris), was the son of King Telamon of Salamis Island and his second …
King Teucer - Wikipedia
In most myths mentioning King Teucer, he is described as being a distant ancestor of the Trojans. Diodorus states that Teucer was "the first to rule as king over the land of Troy" while in the …
Teucer - Genshin Impact Wiki
Teucer is a young boy with pale, freckled skin, blue eyes, and orange hair, strongly resembling his older brother. He is seen wearing what is likely traditional Snezhnayan clothes, including a …
The Tale of Teucer – Legendary Archer of the Trojan War and …
Apr 9, 2015 · Teucer, great archer and legendary son of a king in Greek mythology, fought alongside his brother Ajax in the Trojan War, but the intrigues and tragedy of war ended with …
Teucer in Greek Mythology - World History Edu
Who was Teucer and what was his role in the Trojan War? Teucer was a skilled archer and a key member of the Achaean forces during the Trojan War. He often launched arrows from behind …
Teucer in Greek Mythology - Greek Legends and Myths
Teucer was one of the heroes of the Iliad. The half-brother of Ajax the Great Teucer would fight alonsgide his brother, although unlike his brother, Teucer survived the Trojan War.
2. Teucer, the Bastard Archer - The Center for Hellenic Studies
Teucer is described in battle as standing behind the shield of Ajax, moving out to shoot, and, once he has hit someone, retreating to the safety of the shield of his brother. Significantly, as …
Teucer & Dardanus - Royal House of Troy - timelessmyths.com
Teucer (Τεὓκρος) was the son of the river-god Scamander and Idaea, a nymph of Mount Ida. He was the first king of Troad. Not much else is known about Teucer, except that he was the …
King Teucer in Greek Mythology - Greek Legends and Myths
Teucer was a king of Asia Minor in Greek mythology. A son of Scamander, Teucer would be the king who would welcome Dardanus, and become the ancestor of all Trojans.
Legendary Archer of the Trojan War and Founder of Ancient …
In Greek mythology, Teucer, also Teucrus, Teucros or Teucris, was the son of King Telamon of Salamis Island and his second wife Hesione, daughter of King Laomedon of Troy. He fought …