TETSUI UKE - DEFENSAS - Karate Shito Ryu - Jose Luis Amor Sanz
TETSUI UKE - DEFENSAS - Karate Shito Ryu - Maestro Jose Luis Amor Sanz ( TEAM Denia - Taller escuela de artes marciales de Denia / Alicante ) Club de karate...
Sen, Go no Sen, and Sen no Sen – KARATE FOR LIFE
Feb 26, 2025 · The opening tetsui-uke from nekoashi-dachi demonstrates basic Sen, while the age-uke followed by gyaku-zuki sequences embody Go no Sen, and the more sophisticated applications reveal Sen no Sen opportunities.
Goju ryu Terminology | Knowledge - R.S. Karate
Teisho uke : Palm heel block (sometimes called Shotei uke) Tekubi kake uke : Wrist hook block Tetsui uke : Hammer block (sometimes called "outside forearm block")
Blocks (uke waza) – Learn Traditional Goju Ryu Karate in New …
sokutei osae uke – pressing block with sole of the foot. Pressing down hard against the attacker’s ankle, as in a yoko geri. sokutei harai uke – block with the sole of the foot.
Karate Terms in Japanese Part 4 – Techniques
May 29, 2021 · Uke waza means ‘ receiving techniques ‘, however, they are often referred to in English as ‘ blocking techniques ‘. Tsuki is derived from the verb tsuku and means ‘thrusting’. Tsuki waza are thrusting or punching techniques. Keri …
Techniques et Definitions Karate : Blocages (Uke Waza)
Kakiwake uke est un blocage effectué avec les deux bras en écartant les deux bras de l’adversaire vers l’extérieur après qu’il effectue une double attaque ou tentative de saisie. C’est une technique qui s’utilise donc en particulier dès que …
Tetsui uke bloqueos realizados con tetsui uchi y tetsuiken uchi
La diferencia entre ambos tettsui uke estriba en que Tettsui uke busca exclusivamente bloquear y desviar el brazo del adversario, mientras que tettsuiken uke busca además lastimar el arma atacante al golpear con el nudillo del dedo índice.
Karate Terminology – JKA Shotokan Karate
The following list is non exhaustive, but presents the most used terms in class.
Todos los bloqueos de karate
Empi uke encierra toda una gama de bloqueos ejecutados con los codos, pero que se pueden englobar en dos grandes grupos: Bloqueos estáticos nombrados como Hiji kansetsu uke. Bloques dinámicos o con movimiento nombrados como Hiji uke.
Tetsui Uke (Karate) - Glossaria.net
Jan 5, 2022 · Tetsui Uke - Hammerfist block. Hammer lock, effective for attacks like defenses, and grabs. - Glossary of Karate related terms, including stances, ...