adjectives - What is the comparative form of "tense"? - English ...
Oct 1, 2017 · In the case of the adjective "tense" there may well be a psychological factor involved in choosing "more tense" over "tenser". That factor may well be the desire to be understood. Compared to "tenser", "more tense" is fairly straightforward and easy to understand. In the minds of English speakers, "tenser" may seem easy to misunderstand.
How fast does Tenser’s Floating Disc move to catch up to the caster?
Apr 5, 2018 · So, in the same way that all of the "normal" movements mentioned above are instantaneous, Tenser's Floating Disc also moves instantaneously as soon as an obstacle is removed. And like the above movements, this doesn't mean that the disc literally moves at an infinite speed, just that mechanically speaking, the movement happens all in one "step".
Questions about Tenser's Floating Disk : r/DnD - Reddit
Apr 13, 2015 · That makes more sense. For some reason I thought you were suggesting that the spare horse would be sitting on Tenser's Floating disK getting pulled along like a kid in a burley behind a bike, taking a nap or something. Actually, that sounds awesome. Spoocula's Floating Disc coming right up!
Tenser's Transformation and Otherworldly Form: A Comparison
Mar 30, 2020 · Tenser's Transformation, on the other hand, has lots of offensive assistance. Advantage on all weapon attacks is almost always better than the +2 we get from Otherworldly Form, weapon proficiency means we can carry around a Greatsword for when we decide to cast it, and getting 2d12 extra force damage per hit is incredible. A dual-wielding ...
A good Tenser’s Transformation build? : r/3d6 - Reddit
Aug 4, 2022 · Tenser's is a better use of specifically our 6th level slot, but spirit shroud does more damage with our 7th, 8th, and 9th level slots (technically it's worse even for the 6th level slot since we lose the ability to cast a cantrip in place of one of our attacks while Tenser's is up, but we only care about raw spell damage).
Who is Tenser's transformation for? : r/dndnext - Reddit
I personally think Tenser's Transformation is really cool, but it definitely has some weirdness. I feel like the Armor is the biggest part that throws it off, for two reasons. The first reason being that in 5e precasting spells isn't a SUPER common thing, and casting something that prevents you from casting anything else is especially weird to ...
Tenser's floating disk cannot move across liquid. - Role-playing …
Sep 3, 2018 · The plane of force created by Tenser's floating disk. floats 3 feet above the ground [..] It can move across uneven terrain, up or down stairs, slopes and the like. (PHB 282) Does a liquid surface count as "ground"? Can the disk follow a wizard making use of water walk? Is ice ground? Is snow ground? Copious amounts of jelly?
Tenser’s Floating Disk : r/dndnext - Reddit
Jul 19, 2022 · While a good thought experiment, Tenser's is actually quite bad at most things. It is essentially Tenser's Loot Wheelbarrow. Almost all the (cool) things you thought of are better accomplished by another spell, or just doing them a different way, like setting an actual trap or casting Longstrider or Expeditious Retreat on someone.
What counts as ground for Tenser's Floating Disk?
Nov 25, 2013 · Presumably, the Planeshaper could create a tile of ground mid-air, cast the Tenser's Floating Disk ritual, and continue to create a "path" mid-air and have the Disk follow behind. Ground has no limit to its load-bearing properties. Another possible way to think about ground is that it is a surface that can support infinite weight.
Can Tenser's Floating Disk be ridden? - Role-playing Games Stack …
Jun 15, 2015 · \$\begingroup\$ The other scenario I was thinking about was an L18 Monk (Base Movement: 30’, Unarmored Movement: +30’), with a level of Sorcerer (Expeditious Retreat, Long Strider +10’ MOV), Feat: Mobile (+10’ MOV), Feat: Ritual Caster (Tenser’s Floating Disk). I just have to figure out what contributes to “your normal speed,” and ...