how to unzip and extract tar file in single command
Dec 24, 2007 · Hi, I believe this will be done by using the following command. tar -zxvf test123.tar.gz. z -- unzip x -- extract the file
Tar stucks while extracting - The UNIX and Linux Forums
Dec 3, 2014 · Hi I have a few hundred files with extension .tar.Z. These files were archived (tar) and compressed (Z) on a UNIX system. I need to unzip them but not extract them. In other …
Tar and unzip on single command - The UNIX and Linux Forums
Jun 16, 2017 · The tar -tvf will present to you a list of the content in the tar, but that's a list only, not the actual zip file and unzip -l does need to have the zip file to tell you what its content is. …
unzip .tgz files - The UNIX and Linux Forums
Feb 9, 2002 · A user may untar a compressed (gzipped) tar file with: tar -zxvf <filename> The z flag instructs tar to use gzip. A seperate gzip pipe is not required. Of course, the v flag is not …
how to unzip wget-latest.tar.gz - The UNIX and Linux Forums
Aug 19, 2009 · tar -xf hello.tar unzip -o tempp.zip When i run the script i see the below on my standard out. How can i suppress output coming from both the tar and unzip on my standard …
option to delete .tar file while extracting - Solaris - Unix Linux ...
Jan 19, 2009 · gunzip -c test.tar.gz | tar -xvf -; rm test.tar.gz As a side note, that one liners can be shorter . tar -xzf test.tar.gz && rm test.tar.gz. I dont have Solaris with me now, but I believe for …
unzip single file and untar single file - The UNIX and Linux Forums
Feb 25, 2010 · In order to save diskspace and avoid of disk full during unzip then extract the tar file is there any tar unzip command would unzip and extract tar at the same time …
unzip single file in zip file to STDOUT - The UNIX and Linux Forums
Mar 29, 2010 · To use funzip to extract the first member file of the archive test.zip and to pipe it into more(1): funzip test.zip | more To use funzip to test the first member file of test.zip (any …
Tar and unzip on single command - Page 2 - The UNIX and Linux …
Jun 17, 2017 · Hi All, First of all I don't know whether this is possible. or no. Thought of getting experts thought. I am having a tar file which contains zipped file in it . I tried individual …
file zip,rar,tar,compress,uncompress,unzip,unrar - The UNIX and …
Apr 14, 2008 · Hi All I have ftped a .ZIP file (zipped using WinZip in Windows) to my Unix server (HP-UX). I don't have unzip cmd available in my curent Unix version Please let me know any …