Opioids "Red apple pills" Tapentadol/Carisoprodol. Anyone done …
Oct 27, 2014 · Way better than Tapentadol on it's own. And having the consistent dosage of Soma within is much more reliable than having both drugs yourself and combining. Usually I mix it 1 red apple with 5 or 10mg Valium, about every 6 hours. But only twice a day and early. Tapentadol has a very speedy effect, hence the desire to take a benzo with it.
Tapentadol - Bluelight.org
Sep 24, 2015 · Tapentadol scared the shit out of me tonight. 8( I got four 75mg pill samples and took two at 11pm. I'd read in another Bluelight post that the experience was totally euphoric. Mine wasn't. Within an hour of ingesting, I started sweating, felt very dizzy and nauseous. I was nodding in and...
Opioids - Tapentadol | Bluelight.org
Jun 2, 2024 · It's non prodrug opioid and NRI with shorter half-life than both tramadol and o-dsmt, it's quite strange one because it would produce nodding as other opioids/opiates but in many people it produces halucinations, 4hr opioid high with visual halucinations :D i am mostly using tramadol ( lasts longer than tapentadol ) , oxicodone (more euphoric but in my case less analgesic than tramadol and ...
Tapentadol - Bluelight.org
Jul 4, 2017 · Well man, this is a little bit tricky. I feel that I actually didn't pay enough attention to the fact that Tapentadol is a Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor. This was a mistake on my part. I pretty much glossed over a fact that could be potentially dangerous and I feel like a jackass. Tapentadol actually lowers the seizure threshold.
Opioids - Tapentadol Megathread - Bluelight.org
Feb 24, 2009 · Tapentadol is an orally available, synthetic benzenoid that acts as an agonist for the mu-opioid receptor (MOR) and inhibits the reuptake of noradrenaline, with potential anti-nociceptive activity. Upon oral administration, tapentadol binds to the MOR which enhances MOR-mediated signaling, interferes with the sensation of pain and results in an ...
Tapentadol (Palexia Retard) - Retrospective - Underrated Opioid
Dec 8, 2020 · Also, 150 mg. of tapentadol is a very small dose for someone with a tolerance of 40 mg. of oxycodone imo. I would have tried 250-300 mg. I know that several online calculators show that 40 mg. of oxy = 150 mg. of tapentadol but that is the equianalgesic value, not recreational.
Opioids What dose of Tapentadol have you taken? - bluelight.org
Dec 10, 2017 · I've tried up to 400mg Tapentadol + 500mg Carisoprodol (since I currently can only get the combo versions) at one go, and it gives a sort of strange high that is kind of nice but doesn't last very long. I also noticed strange eye visuals, like things moving when they weren't.
Opioids - Tapentadol - Bluelight.org
Apr 26, 2021 · You can mix it but mixing 2 opioids isn't the best idea. You have to know your tolerance. The same way you can mix codeine with tramadol you can mix codeine with tapentadol. Except tapentadol is stronger than tramadol so you have to take that into account. As @Larimsaid, tapentadol isn't that euphoric, but it is strong.
tapentadol - Bluelight.org
Jan 1, 2015 · I honestly tried Tapentadol (150mg tab) one time, and it was pathetic. It's rated at 1/10 the strength of morphine, and it's a C-II in the US, so kind of hard to get unless doctors are smart enough to realize that it's much weaker and potentially safer than oxy, morphine, etc.
Opioids Insufflating/Snorting Tapentadol (Nucynta/Palexia)
May 29, 2013 · Tapentadol is a relatively new semi-synthetic opioid, somewhat similar to Tramadol. Both have dual modeS of action as an agonist of the μ-opioid receptor as well as the ability to inhibit the reuptake of specific neurotransmitters. Whilst Tramadol's reuptake inhibition of Serotonin is relatively...