How do i fuse taotie? - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Q&A for ...
Dec 9, 2008 · Taotie is the lowest level Tower persona, and towers require a triple fusion. Easiest and cheapest way I found is Izanagi, Pixie, Sandman. Just make sure your Sandman has the highest level of the 3 and you should be fine.
How do you get the personas Haichman, Maskado, and Taotie?
Dec 9, 2008 · Taotie and Masakado are of the Tower arcana, and as such can only be created via triangle fusion. I recommend using the Fusion Chart in the FAQ section to find a good combination, but I will say that Masakado is a lv. 69 Persona, while Taotie is lv. 36 and is the lowest-level Persona of the arcana, meaning any Tower combo below that level will do the trick, even with lowbies like Pixie and ...
Taotie with Mid Charge - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
Fool at 3 or higher should be enough for Black Frost to learn Mind Charge. Hell, by the time you get the options for higher spreads, Fool should be at least that high Then turn around and do Black Frost x (something that resolves in Hierophant), like the two lowest Hierophants if you don't care besides Mind Charge
Where to find Taotie? - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 - GameFAQs
For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Where to find Taotie?".
How do I fuse Taotie? - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 - GameFAQs
As above. He's the last one I need for Trumpeter, but I never fused him. Probably because I didn't have the Tower SL available at the time (I think Taotie is level 30-ish or can be fused around the time you're in the club).
taotie and anubis - Persona 4 Golden - GameFAQs
Taotie - Hierophant + Omoikane + Oberon. Make sure Oberon is highest leveled. Anubis - Pixie + Angel ...
How i create a taotie? - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 - GameFAQs
Here, actual help : 146. TAOTIE Cu Chulainn + Abaddon = Taotie Cu Chulainn + Mara = Taotie Izanagi + Yomotsu-Shikome + Omoikane = Taotie Izanagi + Yomotsu-Shikome + Anzu = Taotie Izanagi + Yomotsu-Shikome + Shiisaa = Taotie Izanagi + Yomotsu-Shikome + Unicorn = Taotie Izanagi + Yomotsu-Shikome + Flauros = Taotie Izanagi + Yomotsu-Shikome + Hokuto Seikun = Taotie Izanagi + Yomotsu-Shikome ...
Persona 4 Golden Walkthrough & Guide - GameFAQs
6 days ago · Taotie + Taowu + Daisoujou + Matador + White Rider + Pabilsag = Trumpeter (Power Charge, Absorb Physical, Spell Master, Mind Charge, Absorb Fire) This is an almost finished Ultimate Trumpeter, as seen in the Ultimate Personas section.
How do I fuse or get from a shuffle - Taotie (trying to fuse …
For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How do I fuse or get from a shuffle - Taotie (trying to fuse Trumpeter!)".
Help with fusing a Taotie - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
Help with fusing a Taotie MegaManXZ 14 years ago #1 I need a Taotie to create one of the Persona's for Margaret's Request, but I'm having trouble figuring out how the Triangle Fusion Spread works.