Taíno ritual seat - Wikipedia
Duhos are carved seats found in the houses of Taino caciques or chiefs throughout the Caribbean region. Duhos “figured prominently in the maintenance of Taino political and ideological …
Duhos - Ritual Seat - Taino Museum
This wooden seat was used by chiefs in the Caribbean Taino culture during ceremonial communication with the spirit world. It is sculpted from the dense tropical hardwood guayacan …
Taíno duho - Smarthistory
Dr. Lauren Kilroy-Ewbank: [0:19] This is what’s known as a duho, a type of seat that is often low to the ground. The one that we’re looking at has an anthropomorphic or zoomorphic face on …
Smarthistory – Taíno zemís and duhos
Taíno artist, Duho, 1292–1399, wood and gold, 44 x 22 x 16.5 cm (The British Museum) Duhos are ceremonial seats fashioned out of stone or wood. They symbolized prestige and power …
Duho - Taino Museum
Duho or seat made from a single piece of wood, representing an anthropomorphic figure with sculptured head and engraved geometric designs on the back, used for the cohoba ritual. The …
stool; duho - British Museum
Ritual seat (duho) sculpted from the dense tropical hardwood guayacan, in the form of a powerful male figure crouching on all fours. The eyes, mouth and shoulders are inlaid with gold. The …
Curious Ritual Wooden ‘Duho’ Stool Of Ancient Taino People
Sep 12, 2017 · The Europeans who had an opportunity to see the Taino duho called it "the 'wood of life' ("lignum vitae"), which was believed to treat successfully many illnesses, from sore …
Introduction to Taíno art - Smarthistory
Common objects produced by the Taíno include zemís, duhos (wooden ritual seats), three-pointer stones, and celts. Three-cornered stones can be small enough to hold in your hand or almost …
Duhos Archives - Taino Museum
Duho or seat made from a single piece of wood, representing an anthropomorphic figure with sculptured head and engraved geometric designs on the back, used for the cohoba ritual. The …
Taino Cacique Duho Ritual Seat • Galeria Contici
This exceptionally rare Taino duho, or ceremonial seat, dates to approximately AD 1000–1500 and was used by the Taino elite during sacred rituals and council gatherings. Few examples of …