74181 - Wikipedia
The 74181 is a 4-bit slice arithmetic logic unit (ALU), implemented as a 7400 series TTL integrated circuit. Introduced by Texas Instruments in February 1970, [1] it was the first complete ALU on a single chip. [2] It was used as the arithmetic/logic core in the CPUs of many historically significant minicomputers and other devices.
Inside the vintage 74181 ALU chip: how it works and why it's so …
But in March 1970, Texas Instruments introduced the 74181 Arithmetic / Logic Unit (ALU) chip, which put a full 4-bit ALU on one fast TTL chip. This chip provided 32 arithmetic and logic functions, as well as carry lookahead for high performance.
Huge 74181 Is A Classic ALU You Can Actually Understand
Nov 19, 2017 · Registers, instruction decoders, counters, and an arithmetic/logic unit, or ALU. And for decades the 74181, as an all-in-one 4-bit ALU on a chip that you might have found in a minicomputer at the...
Inside the 74181 ALU chip: die photos and reverse engineering
The 74181 ALU chip is a complex, high-performance TTL chip that was a key component in the processor of many minicomputers. I took detailed die photos of the 74181 ALU that reveal how the chip works internally.
World's first ALU chip - Rafal Bartoszak
In today’s material, I will tell you about the construction, history and operation of one of the first ALUs. The main role in today’s story will be played by a chip designated 74181. It is a TTL chip enclosed in a 24-pin housing, first presented to the world in early 1970 by Texas Instruments.
Explaining The Operation Of The 74181 ALU - Hackaday
Mar 27, 2017 · One of the more famous of these devices is the 74181, a cascadable 4-bit arithmetic logic unit, or ALU. An ALU is the heart of a microprocessor, performing its operations.
Inside the 74181 ALU chip: die photos and reverse engineering
Jan 13, 2017 · The 74181 was a popular chip in the 1970s used to perform calculations in the arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) of minicomputers. It is a moderately complex chip containing about 67 gates and 170 transistors3, implemented using fast …
TTL-series 74181 ALU demonstration - uni-hamburg.de
This applet demonstrates the TTL-series 4-bit 74181 arithmetic-logical unit. It takes 4-bit operands and a carry input and calculates one of 16 logical or 16 arithmetic functions. Two additional active-low outputs X (/propagate) and Y (/generate) allow to interface to the 74182 carry-lookahead generator IC for fast addition.
TTL-series 74181+74182 ALU+CLA demonstration - uni …
This applet demonstrates a fast 12-bit ALU built from three 4-bit 74181 ALU chips and one 74182 carry-lookahead generator chip. The internal structure of the 74182 chips is shown in the next applet.
Yes, You Can Reverse Engineer This 74181 - Hackaday
Jan 8, 2017 · Data sheets from RCA, Harris (4-bit CMOS), TI (4-bit TTL), IDT (16-bit CMOS), and many others are freely available. Simply grab yourself some simple gates and plagiarize away. What’s the big deal?