TPU with no stringing, how? - Prusa3D Forum
Oct 2, 2021 · TPU printing is now quite clean, with very little stringing, and with good layer-to-layer adhesion. I use TPU for things like eye guards for instrument displays, so I get quite close to the printed results very often, and the settings above have (finally) gotten quite good, even when supports are needed.
Ender 3 with direct drive has severe stringing printing TPU
Sep 4, 2020 · Material - Reviews of the Overture TPU on Amazon mostly say it has low stringing and are generally positive, so I'm assuming it's not just bad filament. Temperature - The consensus in the Amazon reviews seems to be that 230°C is the sweet spot.
print quality - Avoiding stringing with flexible filament - 3D …
The right path seems to be enabling retraction, but tuning the retraction and print speed settings. I started out by dropping all speed settings to 30. With retraction disabled, this turned the stringing into solid walls between paths, with only a tiny gap at the very start of the wall, right after the extruder stopped:
TPU Stringing Issues – How do I print this? (Printing help) – …
Sep 6, 2022 · Hello! I have recently started trying to work with TPU filament, and have run into various issues when printing. My main concern has been stopping stringing, and I have run 6 different tests and got a similar result each time. I threw together a model designed to highlight stringing, and did 6 separate prints, with results shown in the image ...
TPU and stringing issue – How do I print this? (Printing help ...
Mar 20, 2021 · TPU and stringing issue. I am using:. Solutech Flexible Filament. 0.6 or 0.4 mm nozzle (both get stringy) Max Volumetric Speed 3 mm^3/s
Please help with TPU settings - Prusa3D Forum
Aug 10, 2018 · RE: Please help with TPU settings. Followed this thread and multiple others about TPU printing on the MK3s. Tried many different settings from advice in those threads but was never happy with the outcome. The biggest problem I had was that after some time I almost always ended up with TPU filament curled around the extruder gears.
Printing TPU problem – Assembly and first prints troubleshooting ...
Jul 30, 2022 · RE: Printing TPU problem. Those look reasonable but TPU is touchy stuff. I noticed your picture shows a broken line to the surround ring - your bed temperature may be off (50 C seems to work well for me), and you may need to change your extrusion multiplier for each brand of TPU (Dr Vax on youtube has a quick and easy tutorial on how to do this; it's easy, and other youtube-ers have similar ...
[Solved] Stringing! how to fix that? - Prusa3D Forum
Apr 1, 2020 · Love their colors. First roll printed really nice, but had some stringing. I tried temperatures, retraction, etc. Got it minimized but still had some stringing. Not a huge deal, quick shot with heat gone and it was gone. Prints looked fantastic. Second roll, right out of the package was perfect. No stringing at all. None.
Best Settings for Printing with TPU on PrusaSlicer?
Sep 19, 2024 · I’m planning to start printing with TPU (flexible filament) using PrusaSlicer, but I’m unsure about the best settings to get high-quality prints. I’ve heard that printing with flexible materials can be tricky, especially with stringing and under-extrusion issues.
Printing TPU on the MK4 – How do I print this? (Printing help ...
Jun 15, 2023 · But at this point, I am getting really clean prints (almost zero stringing, with very little ooze in travel moves) and am nearly at the speed of Prusa's default Ninjaflex profile (3mm^3/s vs 3.5). Relative to Prusa's default "NinjaTek NinjaFlex TPU @MK4" profile, which was jamming repeatedly, these are the only differences I still have in effect: