Nitrogen´s TPC (Trichocereus cristata / crest / TPM)
Jan 8, 2016 · Nitrogen´s Trichocereus TPC, not to be confused with Nitrogen´s TPM, is a mutant version of a Trichocereus peruvianus or Trichocereus pachanoi that became known in the Trichocereus community after the US breeder Nitrogen has produced quite a …
Misplant, Trichocereus, Trichocereus Seeds, Trichocereus hybrid,
3 days ago · Home grown, hand pollinated Nitrogen's TPC cactus seeds. TPC is a unique form which is a truly amazing crested plant with highly desirable genetics. This interesting plant produced several flowers this year, many of which I cross pollinated with other highly collectible Trichocereus species.
#EC301 EXACT Trichocereous Chalaensis X Nitrogen Mama TPC Cactus ...
Trichocereus hybrid Chaleansis X Nitrogen Mama TPC, aka TPC from cactus enthusiast Nitrogens collection. This is a beautiful hybrid, best traits of b *Cuttings are 8-10", they will go in and out of their monstrose forms.
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The 10 Different Forms of San Pedro Cactus
When picturing a San Pedro cactus, the one that comes to mind is usually a tall, strong, rooted specimen with its columnar form stretching to the sky. But mutations and genetic developments created several different fascinating growth forms of the beloved Trichocereus Pachanoi.
See this link for some history on Nitrogens clone TPQC : Misplant.net. Misplant.net: Home: Nitrogen Clone TPC
Trichocereus 'Cristata', TPQC X TPM Grafted Crest. in GardenTags …
This is a large group of cactus hybrids, well known for their large, spectacular flowers. They usually bloom from early summer and the flowering can continue for up to three months. They grow well in large pots or in the ground on hot arid regions.
TPQC Trichocereus pachanoi Quasi Cristata
Jan 9, 2016 · TPQC is another clone from SAB member Nitrogen. The ID of the species changed repeatedly in the past, but it is probably a Trichocereus peruvianus. It developed crested growth after an injury, but is generally not a crested clone and I have never seen one of the cuts revert back to crested growth.
Trichocereus Cactus – San Pedro Source
Shop our wide selection of Trichocereus Cactus for sale. From San Pedro Cactus, Peruvian Torch Cactus, Bolivian Torch Cactus, and more Rare Cactus like Crested and Monstrose varieties were sure to have the trichocereus you are looking for!
the 'TPM' thread - Cacti & Succulents - The Corroboree
Nov 15, 2015 · * TPQC (USA) with a strange story of crestation.... this clone played a role in nitrogen 2012 hybrids progeny .. apparently the cactus went monstrosa after a snail attack. I seem to have a specimen of a non-monstrosa tpqc (sourced from some nooker).
San Pedro Cactus for Sale Trichocereus - #EC245 EXACT …
Trichocereus hybrid Peruvianus Peru Blue 3 PB3 X KT Ogun potted specimens, three available, each is 7-8" above the soil line. Shipped in their gallon container. Beautiful specimen, ready for your collection, needs to be potted and rooted. Handle with CARE and please see our FAQ for basic care info. Cactus FAQ.
- Reviews: 1K
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