T30 heavy tank - Wikipedia
One pilot model, designated T30E1, had a semi-automatic system added to assist the loader in ramming the ammunition into the breech. This brought the gun breech into position, rammed the round from the loading tray into the breech and then returned the gun to the initial angle.
T30重型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T30重型坦克 (英語: T30 Heavy Tank)是 美国 於 第二次世界大戰 期間的一項坦克計畫,開發目的係为对抗 虎式戰車 、 虎王戰車 與 猎虎式驱逐战车 等德军新式坦克以及以 IS重型坦克 為首的苏军坦克;其与 T29重型坦克 屬共生項目。 四个实验性重型坦克计划于1944年被提出——两辆装备有105毫米火炮的 T29重型坦克 和两辆装备有155毫米火炮的T30重型坦克。 [2] 而T30重型坦克的实验性模型于1945年4月开始建造,并于1947年交付 [3]。 除去为了适应不同引擎而做的调 …
T30 Heavy Tank | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Heavy Tank T30 was a World War II American tank project developed to counter new German tanks, such as Tiger I, Tiger II, and the Jagdtiger or Soviet heavy tanks, such as IS-1 or IS-2. The T30 was designed at the same time as the T29 Heavy Tank.
T30 (Heavy Tank T30) Heavy Tank Prototype - Military Factory
May 31, 2019 · The T30 was also developed into a revised variant under the designation of T30E1. This model added another hatch at the rear of the turret to help facilitate the ejecting of the large spent 155mm shell casings after firing.
T30 : United States of America (USA) - Armedconflicts.com
This modernized tank was designated T30E1. During this modernization, the cannon received a new bed T 124E1. Visually, the tank differs only in the opening in the tower for ejecting cartridges and also in the raised hatch on the command dome.
Heavy Tank T29 - Tank Encyclopedia
Mar 26, 2020 · Armed with a long-barreled 105 mm T5E1 gun in a heavily armored turret, and weighing over 66 tons (60 tonnes), it was intended to directly engage with any opposition, from fortified bunkers to heavily armored tanks.
T30 | War Thunder Wiki
The T30 is a premium gift American heavy tank. It was introduced in Update 1.85 "Supersonic" in the 2018 "Festive Quest" that took place between 21 December 2018 to 14 January 2019. It was obtainable via completing 10 Christmas Toys for tankers. It could also be purchased on the Gaijin market after the event was over.
Heavy Tank T30 - HistoryOfWar.org
Mar 16, 2017 · In July 1947 one T30 was chosen for tests with an automatic rammer, automatic cartridge ejection system and an automatic system to record and return the gun to its firing position before and after loading. This became the T30E1 and the new mount the T124E1. In April 1945 the T30 was classified as limited procurement.
T30E1 - Official Panzer Waltz Wiki
T30E1 Paris Sherman Type Rarity Gold Nation Freedonia: Character Voice Live2D Not available Skins 0 Contents. 1 Attributes; 2 Requirements; 3 Technology. 3.1 Ammo; 3.2 Armor; 3.3 Engine; 3.4 Chassis; 4 Quote; 5 Illustration; Attributes [] Statistics 655 333 916 324 105 55 50 30 Range MIN 1820 MAX 5920 Defense Fire resist. B Crit resist. A
Tank, Heavy, T30 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The Heavy Tank, T30 is an American prototype heavy tank with development starting in 1944 to counter German heavy tanks. The T30 was designed alongside the T29. Modification based on the T30, equipped with 120mm modified anti-aircraft guns. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.