c - What do \t and \b do? - Stack Overflow
Dec 28, 2011 · The behaviour shouldn't be that terminal specific as \b and \t are abstractions of terminal behaviour that might need to be translated by the C environment to a terminal specific codes. Granted, in practice they will almost always be mapped directly on the the corresponding BS and TAB ASCII codes.
.net - What does <T> denote in C# - Stack Overflow
Mar 25, 2012 · And there is new() that says you can create an instance of T if it has a parameterless constructor. In the following example T will be treated as Circle, you get intellisense... void Foo<T>(T item) where T: Circle, new() { T newCircle = new T(); } As T is a type parameter, you can get the object Type from it.
c++ - Difference between CC, gcc and g++? - Stack Overflow
Aug 13, 2018 · On HP-UX, the default 'cc' is still a K&R-only C compiler installed to permit relinking of the kernel when necessary, and unusable for modern software work because it doesn't support standard C. You have to use alternative compiler names ('acc' IIRC). Similarly, on AIX, the system C compiler goes by names such as 'xlc' or 'xlc32'.
c - What's sizeof(size_t) on 32-bit vs the various 64-bit data …
size_t is defined by the C standard to be the unsigned integer return type of the sizeof operator (C99, and the argument of malloc and friends (C99 etc). The actual range is set such that the maximum ( SIZE_MAX ) is at least 65535 (C99
int - What is size_t in C? - Stack Overflow
The C standard itself is much more clear: it defines size_t as the type of the result of the sizeof operator (7.17p2 about <stddef.h>). Section 6.5 explains exactly how C expressions work ( for sizeof). Since you cannot apply sizeof to a disk file (mostly because C doesn't even define how disks and files work), there is no room for ...
math - How to use nan and inf in C? - Stack Overflow
Dec 18, 2009 · I agree that C should require 754 (2008) floating point, but there are good reasons for it not to; specifically, C is used in all kinds of environments that other than x86 -- including embedded devices that don't have hardware floating-point, and signal processing devices where programmers don't even want to use floating point.
c - What primitive data type is time_t? - Stack Overflow
May 26, 2015 · According to the C spec, the definition of time_t is implementation-defined (meaning that each implementation of the library can define it however they like, as long as library functions with use it behave according to the spec.) That being said, the size of time_t on my linux machine is 8 bytes, which suggests a long int or a double. So I did:
c - What is time_t ultimately a typedef to? - Stack Overflow
Mar 19, 2016 · The time_t datatype is a data type in the ISO C library defined for storing system time values. Such values are returned from the standard time() library function. This type is a typedef defined in the standard header. ISO C defines time_t as an arithmetic type, but does not specify any particular type, range, resolution, or encoding for it ...
c - How can one print a size_t variable portably using the printf ...
Mar 26, 2010 · @T.K.Crowder: Well, the original request did say that a C solution was wanted (through tagging) and there are good reasons to not use streams in C++, e.g., if the output format descriptor is being pulled from a message catalog.
c - What does a type followed by _t (underscore-t) represent?
Oct 24, 2008 · The C standard doesn't assign a specific size to the int type (it depends on your compiler and target platform, potentially), and using a specific int_t type would avoid that portability problem. This is a particularly important consideration for hardware interface code, which may be why you've first noticed the convention there.