Anchoring a swim raft - Winnipesaukee Forum
Jul 25, 2017 · One guy showed up with the raft and anchor on a trailer. He slid the raft into the water. The anchor is a cylinder of concrete, he positioned the raft to the shore, put a large plank as a ramp from the shore to the raft and rolled the anchor onto the raft, that was the plan any way. He controlled and moved the anchor with a large pry bar. When ...
Anchor For Swim Raft - Winnipesaukee Forum
May 8, 2015 · The raft was used to float the mooring out to the proper depth, where it was rolled over the side (with chain on it, of course. After a period of use, we decided it was out too far. I hung a chain winch under the raft, connected the cable down a ways on the chain, and used the raft to raise the mooring up enough off the bottom to float it ...
Swim Platform ...? - Winnipesaukee Forum
Oct 26, 2010 · User Name: Remember Me? Password
Anchoring near a swim platform [Archive] - Winnipesaukee Forum
Mar 8, 2011 · The original intent of this thread was to question whether a property owner could put out a swim raft and then order boaters to anchor at least 150' away. The answer still and was no. The situation became muddled when Fat Jack (who later admitted to same) posted false information and insinuated he would get a swim line and raft to close of his ...
Securing a New Raft - Winnipesaukee Forum
May 11, 2012 · Winnipesaukee Forum > Winnipesaukee Forums > General Discussion: Securing a New Raft
Dilemma over boats anchoring off our beach - Winnipesaukee
Aug 11, 2004 · You'll need a permit I believe. No one should anchor inside your swim line or swim in the area designated by the swim line. A raft would be nice too. With a few Private Property signs (on the raft too) may do the trick. A less expensive approach would be to buy one of my specialty signs: DANGER: HIGH VOLTAGE UNDERWATER CABLE - DO NOT ANCHOR and ...
Lake laws - Winnipesaukee Forum
Jul 6, 2006 · The littoral rights often cited by you allow property owners in some cases to build or maintain docks, boathouses, accessory structures, swim rafts & swim lines into or onto the publicly owned waterways in the State, after obtaining the necessary governmental permissions & permits as these littoral rights are by no means absolute rights ...
Used Otter Island Swim Raft. $750.00 - Winnipesaukee Forum
Jul 12, 2020 · Winnipesaukee Forum > Winnipesaukee Forums > Marketplace: Used Otter Island Swim Raft. $750.00
Swim Raft Permits - Winnipesaukee Forum
Jun 11, 2010 · Just found out that there was a public hearing this AM regarding the new swim raft permit rules so I missed it but the written comment period is open until the 14th... One more pe
Tagging under water raft anchors - Winnipesaukee Forum
Jul 25, 2020 · Get some yellow polypropylene hollow braid floating rope which is used for swim lines because it floats. Attach about six feet to the anchors, and it will float straight up vertical, making it easy to locate underwater because it is bright yellow and you have a general knowledge where it should be located.