SVA Bio Art Lab – Art & Science. SVA BFA Fine Arts – New York City
Conceived as a place where scientific tools and techniques become tools and techniques in art practice, the Bio Art Lab is the result of many people’s expertise, research and sustained effort.
Bio Art - Facilities - BFA Fine Arts - School of Visual Arts, SVA NYC
The SVA Bio Art Lab houses microscopes for photo and video, skeletons and specimen collections, a herbarium and an aquarium as well as a library. Each resident is awarded a private studio space. The residency culminates in a public exhibition.
From the Laboratory to the Studio: Interdisciplinary Practices in Bio ...
The SVA Bio Art Lab is a fusion of a 19th-century cabinet of curiosities with a state-of-the-art biotechnology laboratory, housing specimen collections, aquariums, a variety of microscopes, and an art and science library.
Faculty – SVA Bio Art Lab - School of Visual Arts
Suzanne Anker is a visual artist and theorist working at the intersection of art and the biological sciences. She works in a variety of mediums ranging from digital sculpture and installation to large-scale photography to plants grown by LED lights.
BIOART – SVA Bio Art Lab - School of Visual Arts
SVA Bio Art Lab. SVA Fine Arts Building 335 West 16 Street New York, NY 10011 (+1) 212.592.2510. Follow SVA Bio Art Lab. SVA BFA Fine Arts SVA BFA Fine Arts Facebook SVA Bio Art Lab Instagram. Subscribe to Our Newsletter. Please leave this field empty. Email * First name. Last name
Bio Art Courses - BFA Fine Arts - School of Visual Arts, SVA NYC
Students will work from specimens from the SVA Bio Art Lab, on-location drawings and photos. Humans have been tampering with species development for thousands of years, and creating countless varieties of domesticated plants and animals.
Bio Art Archives - BFA Fine Arts
Where Is the Art in Bio Art? Opening Reception.
SVA ContinuEd Department Highlight: Bio Art Lab
Sep 17, 2020 · We do everything from microscopic imaging, to DNA analysis, painting with bacteria and growing sculptures out of mushrooms. We also work with plants, including dissection and preservation, grafting, cloning and even a bit of genetic engineering.
SVA Bio Lab — Suzanne Anker
The Bio Art Lab was founded in 2011 as part of the SVA’s BFA Fine Arts new facility consisting of 54,000 square feet in the heart of Chelsea, NYC. The Lab was founded and is directed by Suzanne Anker, Chair of the BFA Fine Arts Department.
SVA BioArt
Today in class we started off with a presentation on the importance and symbolism of flowers. We explored the use of white lilies and red carnations in historic works of the Virgin Mary and more modern uses of flowers in art such as Georgia O'Keefe's paintings and Van Gogh's sunflowers.