孙飞宇 - 北京大学社会学系 - pku.edu.cn
2012 , Sun, Feiyu. "Territorial Transformation of Chinese Identity: A Sociological Analysis in terms of Time and Space."collected in Territories of Social Responsibility: Opening the Research...
SUN Feiyu-Peking University Summer School International 2022
SUN Feiyu is an Associate Professor of Sociology Department at Peking University. He received his BA in the Sociology Department and MA in Sociology Department at Peking...
Sun Feiyu - 北京大学人文社会科学研究院 - pku.edu.cn
Sun Feiyu is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at Peking University, and the Associate Dean of Yuanpei College, Peking University. His main research interest is the...
Social Suffering and Political Confession: Suku in Modern China. SUN …
Jun 13, 2014 · Social Suffering and Political Confession: Suku in Modern China. SUN FEIYU . Singapore: World Scientific, 2013. xix + 197 pp. £58.00. ISBN 978-981-4407-29-8. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 13 June 2014. An abstract is not available for this content so a preview has been provided.
孙飞宇 - 北京大学人文社会科学研究院 - pku.edu.cn
孙飞宇,北京大学社会学系副教授,北京大学元培学院副院长。 主要研究方向为西方社会思想史,集中在经典精神分析视角下的社会理论和现象学-诠释学的社会理论等方面,兼及对于中国社会的经验研究。 代表著作包括《方法论与生活世界》(2018年三联书店)、Social Suffering and Political Confession: Suku in Modern China...
Social Suffering and Political Confession : Suku in Modern …
Feb 21, 2013 · "By using sociological theories to study a political practice in revolutionary China, Professor Feiyu Sun has done an extraordinarily subtle analysis of China's modernization from a perspective of political confession on social suffering.
导师名录-孙飞宇-北京大学元培学院 - pku.edu.cn
(10)孙飞宇,《流亡者与生活世界》,《社会学研究》,2011年第5期,本文部分内容被《中国社会科学文摘》第1期以“《陌生人》与《返乡者》——舒茨对生活世界的诠释”为题转载。 2012年~2015年 香港嘉里集团郭氏基金会扶贫模式评估项目。
Feiyu, Sun. 2023. "From Social Equilibrium to Self-Production of Society: The Transition of China's Sociological Recognition on China's Society",in Handbook of Post-Western Sociology: From East...
孙飞宇 - 北京大学 - 社会学系 - X-MOL科学知识平台
—关于一个NGO扶贫困境的个案研究》,《社会》第1期; 2018,英文版:Sun, Feiyu,Chu, Huijuan,Zhang, Yanlong, Producing Society or the self-Producing of Society? A Study of an NGO's difficult Situation on Poverty Reduction, Chinese Journal of Sociology, 2018, Vol. 4.
Apr 11, 2020 · 2016,孙飞宇编著,《理念主义与现实改造:一项关于社会公益组织的个案研究与反思》,北京:社会科学文献出版社。 2018,英文版:Sun,Feiyu, Chinese Sociology: “Chinese Learning” or “Western Learning”, Contemporary Social Sciences, Serial No.12. 2016,孙飞宇、储卉娟、张闫龙,《生产“社会”,还是社会的自我生产? —关于一个NGO扶贫困境的个案研究》,《社会》第1期;
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