SUN™ fluorophore | IDT - Integrated DNA Technologies
Jun 15, 2020 · SUN™ fluorophore, a molecular equivalent to VIC ® dye (Applied Biosystems), has high fluorescent emission for easy detection. This fluorophore is now available in Affinity Plus™ qPCR Probes, PrimeTime™ qPCR probes, and PrimeTime qPCR Probe Assays.
Selecting dyes for multiplex qPCR | IDT - Integrated DNA Technologies
Jun 18, 2020 · Choosing the correct qPCR dye combinations will enhance the precision and reduce the background for your assay. Use the IDT PrimeTime™ Multiplex Dye Selection Tool and the following recommendations to find the best dye combination for your assay.
PrimeTime™ qPCR Probes - Integrated DNA Technologies
Select from a wide range of license-free dyes, including FAM, Yakima Yellow ®, SUN™, HEX, Cy ® 3, Texas Red ®-X, and Cy ® 5 dyes; Reduce background signals, even with longer probes, when using ZEN™ or TAO™ Double-Quenched Probes; Successfully multiplex using double-quenched probes
SUN Probes From IDT Demonstrate Superior Results to VIC Probes …
Ultimately, a superior fluorophore can contribute to increased sensitivity and accuracy in PCR, improving its overall efficiency. This technical note talks about the role of Fluorophore/Dye in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Objective: The SUN fluorophore is a molecular equivalent to the VIC fluorophore1. The SUN fluorphore is thought to offer signal intensity that is either comparable or superior to dyes with same excitation (538 nm) and emission (554nm) spectra1.
Applied BiosystemsTM TaqMan® probes using QSY quencher, providing maximal PCR effi ciency in a multiplex format. These probes can be ordered with Applied BiosystemsTM FAMTM and VICTM dyes and also with the ABY and JUN dyes, allowing amplifi cation of up to 4 targets in a single reaction.
SUN Dye Spectral PCR Calibration Plate – A2K Scientific
This kit is used for SUN (Molecular equivalent to VIC) spectral calibration of your RT-PCR instrument equipped with a 96 or 384-well block. Please see your instrument maintenance guide for full instructions on use.
Applied BiosystemsTM real-time PCR instruments and systems can run assays designed with custom dyes. Custom dyes include: Dyes that are not manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientific. Dyes or formulations of dyes that are not system dyes for the instrument.
Does IDT offer VIC probes for qPCR? | IDT - Integrated DNA …
IDT offers the SUN™ dye, which is our product offering for the VIC dye (Thermo Fisher Scientific). More information about probes labeled with the SUN fluorophore can be found on the PrimeTime™ qPCR probes page or the SUN fluorophore Decoded™ article.
IDT provides free, online dye calibration protocols for some common real-time PCR instruments. Avoid overlap of emission spectra. Choose dyes with appropriate excitation wavelengths and little to no overlap in their emission spectra (Table 1). Consider total uorescence intensity as well.