Suceava - Wikipedia
Suceava (Romanian: [suˈtʃe̯ava] ⓘ) is a city in northeastern Romania. The seat of Suceava County, it is situated in the historical regions of Bukovina and Moldavia, northeastern Romania. [1] It is the largest urban settlement of Suceava County, with a population of 84,308 inhabitants according to the 2021 Romanian census. [1]
15 Best Things to Do in Suceava (Romania) - The Crazy Tourist
Jan 26, 2020 · A city loaded with history and culture, Suceava was the throne of the Medieval Principality of Moldavia until the 1565. You can step inside the churches where the princes were crowned and see the unconquerable fortress they built to repel the Ottomans. Suceava is also the jumping-off point for trips around the painted monasteries of Bukovina.
Town of SUCEAVA in Bucovina region - Romania Visitor Information
A former capital of the region of Moldova (1388 until 1565), town of Suceava is an excellent starting point for trips to the many historical, cultural and natural attractions travelers can enjoy in the Bucovina region (northeastern Romania). Suceava is also the gateway to visiting the Painted Monasteries of Bucovina - UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Suceava - Wikipedia
Suceava, unul dintre cele mai vechi orașe din România și fostă capitală a Principatului Moldovei, dispune de numeroase obiective istorice și turistice, răspândite pe teritoriul localității și în împrejurimile sale. Orașul se remarcă prin numărul ridicat de vechi lăcașuri de cult ortodoxe, armenești, romano-catolice ...
苏恰瓦县 - 百度百科
苏恰瓦县(Suceava)是罗马尼亚四十一个县中的一个,它的总人口数为690,941(2002年),面积为8,553平方公里,苏恰瓦县的首府为苏恰瓦(Suceava)。 位于罗马尼亚东北部。
Suceava, Romania: All You Must Know Before You Go (2025 ... - Tripadvisor
In northern Romania near the Ukrainian border and once the capital of Moldova, today Suceava is a city of just over 100,000. Though fairly industrial, the city does have some great historical attractions, like the 14th-century Princely Court fortress and several medieval churches.
Top 20 obiective turistice în Suceava și împrejurimi
Ei bine, Suceava, reședința județului omonim, este unul dintre cele mai frumoase orașe din regiunea istorică Bucovina. Orașul Suceava și împrejurimile acestuia oferă o serie de obiective turistice impresionante, atât din punct de vedere istorc, cât …
Suceava | Medieval Fortress, Monasteries, Carpathian Mountains
Suceava, city, capital of Suceava judeƫ (county), northeastern Romania. Founded on a terrace above the right bank of the Suceava River before the 14th century, it was the capital of Moldavia from 1388 until 1564, when the capital was moved to Iaşi .
Suceava – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Suceava is a city of 125,000 people (2018) in Southern Bukovina. It is home to a medieval fortress, and is a good base for visiting the Painted Monasteries in Bukovina. During the late Middle Ages, from 1388 to 1564, the city was the third capital of the Principality of Moldavia.
20 Obiective Turistice Suceava in 2025 - Locuri de Vizitat - Xplorer.ro
Fie ca esti pasionat de istorie, cultura, spiritualitate sau natura, Suceava iti ofera un cadru perfect pentru a explora si a te bucura de frumusetile sale. Descopera aceste impresionante obiective turistice din Suceava si bucura-te de o vacanta de neuitat. Vei gasi o gama variata de locuri de vizitat in orasul Suceava si in imprejurimile sale.