Vestibule of the Ear: Anatomy, Function and Treatment - Verywell …
Aug 14, 2023 · The hair cell bundles are split into two halves separated by a midline, which is known as the striola. The striola is actually an overlying otolithic membrane that also is separated from the hair cell bundles by a gelatinous layer.
Striola - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The striola are striplike depressions (utricular macular) or elevation (saccular macula) of the statolithic membrane where the orientations of the tallest stereocilia and kinocilia change.
Saccule - Wikipedia
Inner ear, showing saccule near center. The saccule (Latin: sacculus) is a bed of sensory cells in the inner ear that detects linear acceleration and head tilting in the vertical plane, and converts these vibrations into electrical impulses to be interpreted by the brain.
The Otolith Organs: The Utricle and Sacculus - Neuroscience
As already mentioned, the orientation of the hair cell bundles is organized relative to the striola, which demarcates the overlying layer of otoconia (see Figure 14.4A). The striola forms an axis of mirror symmetry such that hair cells on opposite sides of …
Retinoic acid degradation shapes zonal development of vestibular …
Each vestibular sensory epithelium in the inner ear is divided morphologically and physiologically into two zones, called the striola and extrastriola in otolith organ maculae, and the central and peripheral zones in semicircular canal cristae.
Striola - DocCheck Flexikon
Die Striola teilt die Haarzellen eines Maculaorgans in zwei Gruppen mit unterschiedlicher Ausrichtung. Die Haarzellen der Makulaorgane besitzen mehrere, in Reihe stehende und an Größe zunehmende Stereozilien und ein langes Kinozilium.
Sustained and Transient Vestibular Systems: A Physiological Basis …
Otolith irregular afferents originate from a specialized region of the otolithic maculae called the striola and form calyx synapses on type I receptors which have fast membrane dynamics. Otolith irregular afferents are selectively activated by high-frequency (~500 …
Chapter 10: Vestibular System: Structure and Function
The kinocilia point toward (in the utricle) or away from (in the saccule) a middle line called the striola. The striola is shown as a dashed line in Figure 10.3. Because hair cells are oriented in different directions, tilts in any direction will activate some afferents.
Striola - Definition, Usage & Quiz | UltimateLexicon.com
Striola: In the context of anatomy, especially neuroanatomy, the striola is a specialized, narrow, curved area located within the maculae of the utricle and saccule in the inner ear.
Downstream Targets of GATA3 in the Vestibular Sensory Organs …
Since the specific functions of the striola and type I hair cells have not yet been defined, identifying the genes and biological pathways specific to GATA3 in the striola may provide functional insights into this enigmatic inner ear structure.