tolkiens legendarium - What happened to the Stoor Hobbits?
Nov 7, 2020 · 2463 About this time Déagol the Stoor finds the One Ring, and is murdered by Sméagol. Making it clear that not only was Smeagol a Stoor, but from a group which had long been split off from the Stoors who settled in the Shire. And thanks to @Ian Thompson we know that from Letter 214 that the Stoor settlement by the Anduin was abandoned
the lord of the rings - Was Gollum always a hobbit? - Science …
In his answer, Tolkien expounds on the birthday customs of the various branches of hobbits. The relevant fact here is that Sméagol was a Stoor. Stoors are one of the three races of Halflings (as Men call them), the other two being the Harfoots (to …
Is there direct evidence that the Riverfolk were actually Hobbits?
Nov 30, 2013 · Right. There are 3 races of hobbit. Harfoots, Stoors and Fallohides. Riverfolk were stoor. They were the same but different. Each had their own characteristics. It's just a theory of mine that stoor were mixed with man. It wouldn't be the first time man mixed with another race. I wonder if evolution existed in this world.
tolkiens legendarium - Why was Sméagol affected by the ring so …
Nov 4, 2014 · Specifically, he was a Stoor, a variety of Hobbit that had an affinity with men—as opposed to a Harfoot or Fallohide, who shared characteristics with dwarves and elves, respectively. So Sméagol was actually a Hobbit, just like Frodo and Sam.
tolkiens legendarium - Height of the LoTR Races - Science Fiction ...
Apr 19, 2015 · Is the height of races (men, elves, orcs, goblins, etc.) ever mentioned by Tolkien? If not, did the movies just make up the various heights?
the lord of the rings - Can Sméagol's family tree be tracked all the ...
About this time Déagol the Stoor finds the One Ring, and is murdered by Sméagol. 2941 Thorin Oakenshield and Gandalf visit Bilbo in the Shire. Bilbo meets Sméagol-Gollum and finds the Ring. ... The Return of the King: Appendix B
Did Gandalf wear his Ring of Power throughout the trilogy?
Jul 2, 2018 · Isildur kept the ring until TA 2 when he was killed by an Orc ambush at the Gladden Fields and the Ring was lost in the River Anduin. The Ring remained hidden in the riverbed for almost two and a half millennia until found by a Stoor named Déagol who discovered it while on a fishing trip with his friend and cousin Sméagol.
tolkiens legendarium - What is the life expectancy of a Hobbit ...
Aug 30, 2020 · I recently found a contradiction between the life expectancies of a Hobbit. A Hobbit comes of age at around 33 years old. Comparing that with a human, we come of age at around 18. Sidetracking a li...
tolkiens legendarium - Why did the One Ring betray Isildur?
Oct 5, 2016 · Three years later, two Stoor Hobbits by the name of Sméagol and Déagol would find it. The rest, as they say, is history. 1 Sauron only needs 100 years after Númenór's destruction to get his new body and fight in the War of the Last Alliance.
Do hobbits age at the same speed as humans or slower?
Jun 9, 2016 · I know that they live significantly longer than humans (or at least Bilbo did) and I was wondering whether they age at the same rate as human bodies, and just live longer, or if their bodies age more