the Data Lounge - Gay Celebrity Gossip, Gay Politics, Gay News …
DataLounge - Gay Celebrity Gossip, Gay Politics, Gay News and Pointless Bitchery since 1995.
"Who Killed Jon-Benet Ramsey?" - the Data Lounge
Nov 14, 2024 · The basement window had been broken from the inside, not the outside. If you've ever watched Forensic Files, you would know that that's when the cops drag the homeowner by the collar down to the precinct for an interrogation because of how obvious it is that the crime scene has been set up.
Sneakily conservative filmmakers? - the Data Lounge
May 4, 2022 · Judd Apatow fancies himself an enlightened feminist, for a rich straight white guy. But it's a very conventional bourgeois feminism that reveres fairly traditional notions of "family" and "parenthood." You can see it all over his later films. (For all his gross-out, outrageous humor, I find him pretty prudish about sex.)
Fellow Travelers will premiere October 27 - the Data Lounge
Aug 17, 2023 · The problem I have with the clip is that the Bailey part is so transparently written for a younger actor (the character in the book was 21 or 22) and it looks ridiculous coming from 35 year old Bailey who is not a “boy” by any means.
Creepiest true crime cases - the Data Lounge
Jul 17, 2021 · [quote] Where did it start, though? Did the kidnapping contribute to Stayner becoming a killer? Yes, but he didn't lose it after his brother died in a motorcycle accident. He'd only been reunited with his family for a few short years before getting killed. I think there was also trouble with his readjusting (no surprise there).