Statiq - Your Imagination, Your Generator
Statiq is the world's most powerful static generation platform, allowing you to use or create a static generator that's exactly what you need.
Statiq - About Statiq Web
Statiq Web is a powerful static web site generation toolkit suitable for most use cases. It's built on top of Statiq Framework so you can always extend or customize it beyond those base …
Statiq - Statiq Web
Statiq Web is a powerful static web site generation toolkit suitable for most use cases. It's built on top of Statiq Framework so you can always extend or customize it beyond those base …
Statiq - Documents And Metadata
Documents are the primary unit of information in Statiq and are a combination of content and metadata. Documents are immutable and once their content is changed or a value is added to …
Statiq - Command-Line Interface
Statiq provides a number of default commands and arguments to control execution. Getting Help. You can view help for any command with the --help option:
Statiq - Front Matter
In Statiq Web you don't need to configure the ExtractFrontMatter module and front matter is identified and extracted automatically for all input documents. Statiq Web also supports …
Statiq - Templates
Statiq Web supports multiple template languages and you can specify which ones should be applied for your site. The specification of a template language, to what files it should apply, …
Statiq - GetInputFiles(IReadOnlyFileSystem, string[])
Statiq.Common Containing Type I Read Only File System Extensions. Syntax public static IEnumerable < IFile > GetInputFiles (this IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, params string [] …
Statiq - Accessing Metadata
To make metadata as easy to work with as possible, Statiq Framework includes a very powerful type conversion capability that lets you convert nearly any metadata value to any other …
Statiq - Settings
Settings that you can use to control Statiq Framework include: Host : The host to use when generating links (for example, "statiq.dev"). LinksUseHttps : Indicates if generated links should …